(Scala Social Applications in Akka)
- Twitter (like) App ===
| Project for CSC 536: Distributed Systems 2 | | Professor Ljubomir Perkovic | | By Student Kevin Westropp |
There are three main directories:
common - code compiled into jar to use as common between client and server
server - Twitter Server to maintain state of program
client - Twitter Client for connecting and interacting with server
navigate to root of both /client and /server
$ sbt compile
navigate to root of both /client and /server (start server first then clients)
$ sbt run
1. It will prompt for username (this persists with server, just registers username -> client)
2. Then download possible/relevant tweets
3. Print Possible commands/options
4. Interface works in loop, -> select option -> provide parameters for option -> receive possible messages -> back to commands and options
client side
Enter 0 to disconnect from server
It will then shutdown
server side
Enter Ctrl-X Ctrl-C for Shutdown
- ChatShare ==========
| Project for CSC 536: Distributed Systems 2 | | Professor Ljubomir Perkovic | | By Student Kevin Westropp |
There are two main directories:
common - code compiled into jar to use as common in app
chatshare - Web Server to maintain state of program and handle http requests
navigate to root of /server
$ sbt compile
navigate to root of /server (start server first then web browser)
$ sbt run
1. Navigate web browser to http://localhost:8888/
2. It will prompt for username (this persists with server, just registers username -> client)
3. Can post tweets, find other users of system by username and start following their posts
client side (web browser)
Click Logout button and/or Close browser window
server side
Enter Ctrl-X Ctrl-C for Shutdown