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Simple rule-based spelling and grammar validation DITA OT plug-in for text elements within DITA documents.


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Spelling and Grammar Checker Plug-in for DITA-OT

Copyright (c) 2016 HERE Europe B.V.

See the LICENSE file in the root of this project for license details.


The Spelling and Grammar Checker plug-in for DITA OT is an extension of the base DITA Validator which adds simple rule-based spelling and grammar validation for the text elements within DITA documents.

The plug-in supports three transtypes:

  • auto-correct - remove reported spelling and grammar errors from a DITA document
  • text-rules - create an error report in Schematron Validation Report Language (SVRL) format
  • text-rules-echo - display the results of an SVRL error report in a human-readable format

More information about SVRL can be found at

Most of the spell-checking rules are based on a list of known typographical errors and faults, and the ruleset can be easily altered to include new constraints. Checking against a list of known errors means that no false positives should occur, but the existing list will never be fully comprehensive.



The DITA spell-checker has been tested against DITA-OT 2.2.x. It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version. Running the spell-checker plug-in against earlier versions of DITA-OT will not work as it uses the newer getVariable template. To work with DITA-OT 1.8.5 this would need to be refactored to use getMessage.

Installing DITA-OT

The spell-checker is a plug-in for the DITA open toolkit. Futhermore, it is not a stand alone plug-in as it extends the base validator plug-in (

  • install the DITA-OT distribution JAR file dependencies by running gradle install from your clone of the DITA-OT repository.

The required dependencies are installed to a local Maven repository in your home directory under .m2/repository/org/dita-ot/dost/.

  • Run the Gradle distribution task to generate the plug-in distribution package:
./gradlew dist

The distribution ZIP file is generated under build/distributions.

Installing the Base Plug-in

  • Run the plug-in installation command:
dita -install

Installing the Spelling and Grammar Checker Plug-in

  • Run the plug-in installation command:
dita -install

The dita command line tool requires no additional configuration.


Spell-checking a document from the command line

A test document can be found within the plug-in at: PATH_TO_DITA_OT/plugins/

Creating an SVRL file

To create an SVRL file with the spell-checker plug-in use the text-rules transform.

  • From a terminal prompt move to the directory holding the document to validate

  • Clean the output directory (named "out" in the examples below), to ensure that the result from an old validation run is not present.

rm -rf ./out
  • SVRL file creation can be run like any other DITA-OT transform:
PATH_TO_DITA_OT/bin/dita -f text-rules -o out -i document.ditamap

Once the command has run, an SVRL file is created:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<active-pattern xmlns:dita-ot=""
      <fired-rule context="p"/>
      <fired-rule context="p"/>
      <fired-rule context="p"/>
      <failed-assert location="/incorrect-spelling.dita" role="error">
         <diagnostic-reference diagnostic="incorrect-spelling">Line 17: p - [incorrect-grammar]
The phrase 'separate' is written incorrectly ('seperate') in the following text:
Seperate accommodation can be found within the main building..</diagnostic-reference>

Echoing results to the command line

To echo results to the command line with the spell-checker plug-in use the text-rules-echo transform.

  • Clean the output directory (named "out" in the examples below), to ensure that the result from an old text-rules run is not present.
rm -rf ./out
  • Spell-checking (text-rules-echo) can be run like any other DITA-OT transform:
PATH_TO_DITA_OT/bin/dita -f text-rules-echo -i document.ditamap

Once the command has run, all errors and warnings are echoed to the command line:

[echo] [ERROR]  [/topics/incorrect-spelling.dita]
[echo]   Line 17: p - [incorrect-spelling]
[echo] The word 'separate' is spelt incorrectly ('seperate') in the following text:
[echo] Seperate accommodation can be found within the main building.

Additionally, if an error occurs, the command will fail

[echo] [ERROR]  [/topics/incorrect-spelling.dita]
[echo]   Line 17: p - [incorrect-spelling]
[echo] The word 'separate' is spelt incorrectly ('seperate') in the following text:
[echo] Seperate accommodation can be found within the main building.
[echo] Found 1 Errors 0 Warnings
Error: Errors detected during validation

Auto-correction from the command line

To auto-correct spelling mistakes with the spell-checker plug-in use the auto-correct transform.

  • Clean the output directory (named "out" in the examples below), to ensure that the result from an old run is not present.
rm -rf ./out
  • Auto-correction (auto-correct) can be run like any other DITA-OT transform:
PATH_TO_DITA_OT/bin/dita -f auto-correct -i document.ditamap

Once the command has run spelling mistakes will have been removed from the document.

Note: The auto-correct transtype only removes spelling, duplicate and grammar errors specified in the dictionary files

Spell-checking a document from the using ant

An ant build file is supplied in the same directory as the sample document. The main target can be seen below:

<!-- The path to dita-ot, correct as necesary  -->
<dirname property="dita.dir" file="path-to-dita-ot"/>
<!--the path to the DITA document to build, change as necessary -->
<property name="args.input" value="path-to-doc/document.ditamap"/>
<!-- Minimal classpath to invoke DITA OT via ANT. -->
<path id="dita.ot.classpath">
	... etc..
<target name="validate">
	<java classname="" fork="true" failonerror="true" classpathref="dita.ot.classpath">
		<arg value="-Dargs.input=${args.input}"/>
		<arg value="-Ddita.dir=${dita.dir}"/>
		<arg value="-buildfile"/>
		<arg value="${dita.dir}/build.xml"/>
		<arg value="-Dgenerate-debug-attributes=false"/>
		<arg value="-Doutput.dir=out/svrl"/>
		<arg value="-Dtranstype=text-rules-echo"/>
		<!-- validation transform specific parameters -->
		<arg value="-Dargs.validate.blacklist=(kilo)?metre|colour|teh|seperate"/>
		<arg value="|HTTP[S]? |ID|IoT|JSON|Java|Javadoc|JavaScript|XML"/>
		<arg value="-Dargs.validate.mode=default" />
		<!-- Run the transform quietly to avoid verbose output. -->
		<arg value="-S"/>
		<arg value="-q"/>

Parameter Reference

  • args.validate.ignore.rules - Comma separated list of rule IDs to be ignored
  • args.validate.blacklist - Comma separated list of words that should not be present in the running text
  • - Comma separated list of words which have a specified capitalization
  • args.validate.mode - Validation reporting mode. The following values are supported:
    • strict - Outputs both warnings and errors. Fails on errors and warnings.
    • default - Outputs both warnings and errors. Fails on errors only
    • lax - Ignores all warnings and outputs errors only. Fails on Errors only
  • svrl.customization.dir - Specifies the customization directory
  • svrl.filter.file - Specifies the location of the XSL file used to filter the echo output

Configuring the plug-in


The spelling and grammar checker currently supports three languages:

  • en - English
  • de - German
  • fr - French

The language checked is based on the default.language setting of the DITA Open toolkit. This can be modified in the lib/ file.

Please note that error messages have not been internationalized into French and currently all error messages will be displayed in English.

Sample lists of duplicated and mis-spelt words are available in all three languages. Grammar and punctuation lists have only been supplied for en.

Additional languages can be added by creating a new language folder and files under cfg/dictionary

Adding new mis-spellings to the plug-in

The list of misspelt words to check when spell-checking can be altered by amending entries in the xml files under cfg/dictionary. The plug-in recognizes four types of errors:

  • duplicates.xml - Duplicated words.
  • grammar.xml - Grammar errors (includes a ban on the use of contractions in formal text )
  • punctuation.xml - Punctuation marks (includes a ban on smart quotes).
  • spelling.xml - Spelling mistakes

Each entry takes the form of a pair


Altering the severity of a validator rule

The severity of a validator rule can be altered by amending entries in the cfg/ruleset/default.xml file The plug-in supports four severity levels:

  • FATAL - Fatal rules will fail validation and cannot be overridden.
  • ERROR - Error rules will fail validation. Errors can be overridden as described above.
  • WARNING - Warning rules will display a warning on validation, but do not fail the validation. Warnings can also be individually overridden.
  • INACTIVE - Inactive rules are not applied.

Ignoring validator Rules

Removing a rule globally

Rules can be made inactive by altering the severity (see above). Alternatively a rule can be commented out in the XSL configuration file.

Ignoring a rule throughout a document

Individual rules can be ignored by passing the args.validate.ignore.rules parameter to the command line. The value of the parameter should be a comma-delimited list of each rule-id to ignore.

For example to ignore the latin-abbreviation validation rule within a document you would run:

PATH_TO_DITA_OT/dita -f text-rules-echo -i document.ditamap -Dargs.validate.ignore.rules=latin-abbreviation

Ignoring a specific instance of a rule

Specific instances of a rule can be ignored by adding a comment within the *.dita file. The comment should start with ignore-rule and needs to be added at the location where the error is flagged.

	This is an example of a spelling mistake
	<!-- ignore-rule:incorrect-spelling -->
	I have deliberately misspelt the word accidentaly (sic) - it should be written with a double l.

Sample Document

A sample document can be found within the plug-in which can used to test plug-in rules. The document covers both positive and negative test cases. The sample document contains valid DITA which can be built as an HTML or as a PDF document - please use the html or pdf transform to read the contents or examine the *.dita files directly.

A complete list of rules covered by the plug-in can be found below. The final <chapters> of the sample document contain a set of test DITA <topics>, each demonstrating a broken validation rule.

The <topic> files are sorted as follows:

  • The base validation DITA-OT plugin ( - this <chapter> contains two common textual validation rules.
  • The text-rules DITA-OT plugin ( - This <chapter> contains a set of English language spelling and grammar rules.

Spell-checker Error Messages

The following table list the spell-checker error messages by message ID.

Message ID Message Corrective Action/Comment
a-followed-by-vowel In the following text, change 'a' to 'an' where appropriate: In English, the general guideline is that the indefinite article in front of count nouns that begin with a vowel sound should be 'an'.
an-followed-by-consonant In the following text, change 'an' to 'a' where appropriate: In English, the general guideline is that the indefinite article in front of count nouns that begin with a consonant sound should be 'a'.
blacklisted-word The word '{word}' is not allowed in the following text: The indicated word has been banned from use. Rewrite the phrase using alternatives.
duplicated-punctuation The punctuation mark '{char}' is duplicated in the following text: The indicated punctuation mark is duplicated. Delete the duplicated punctuation mark.
duplicated-words The word '{word}' is duplicated in the following text: The indicated word is duplicated. Delete the duplicated word..
incorrect-capitalization The word '{word}' is incorrectly capitalized in the following text: The indicated word is not capitalized correctly. Fix the capitalization.
incorrect-grammar The phrase '{phrase}' is grammatically incorrect in the following text: The indicated phrase does not make sense. Rewrite the phrase using the correct grammar.
incorrect-punctuation The punctuation mark '{char}' has been used incorrectly in the following text: The indicated punctuation mark is non-standard. Replace with a corrected punctuation mark.
incorrect-spelling The word '{word}' is a spelling mistake in the following text: The indicated word is not spelled correctly. Fix the spelling. It is assumed that documentation follows US English spelling conventions.
latin-abbreviation The accronym i.e or e.g has been used in the following text: Latin accronyms are difficult to understand. Consider rewriting the phrase using alternatives, such as "for example"
sentence-capitalization The run on sentence in the following text does not start with a capital letter The indicated sentence is not punctuated correctly. Fix the punctuation.
split-inifinitive The phrase '{phrase}' is written using a split-infinitive in the following text: The indicated sentence includes a split-infinitive, which is considered poor grammatical style - consider rephrasing the sentence.
where-not-were The word 'were' has been used to start a subordinate clause in the following text: The indicated sentence does not make sense. Rewrite the phrase using the correct grammar.