Icmp Flood tool that uses multiprocessing to get maximum effect. Written with Python&Scapy
IcmpiFlood is useful program to try icmp flood attack for education purposes.
To install the latest development version type the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/pioneerhfy/IcmpiFlood # Download the latest revision
cd IcmpiFlood # Switch to tool's directory
python IcmpiFlood.py <domain name or ip adress> # Just type this command
Just run sudo python IcmpiFlood.py <domain name or ip adress>
from the terminal. If there is no problem in starting program, you'll see banner text in terminal. In order to run this program without any problem, you have to be root user or have root privileges otherwise, you'll encounter annoying socket errors.
sudo python IcmpiFlood.py sampleWebsite.com
sudo python IcmpiFlood.py <ip adress of sampleWebsite.com> //IP adress of sampleWebsite
- Python 2.7
- Scapy 2.3.3 - Used to generate network packets
- multiprocessing - For multiprocessing processes
Just use this tool for education purposes.