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**********          WebGoat 5.2
**********          July/08/2008
**  Source Code:
**  Download:
**  Download:   (Does not have Developer release)
**  User Guide:
**  Home Page:
**  Contact Info:

Thank you for downloading WebGoat!

This program is a demonstration of common server-side
application flaws.  The exercises are intended to
be used by people to learn about application penetration
testing techniques.

WARNING 1: While running this program your machine will be 
extremely vulnerable to attack. You should to disconnect
from the Internet while using this program.

WARNING 2: This program is for educational purposes only. If you
attempt these techniques without authorization, you are very
likely to get caught.  If you are caught engaging in unauthorized
hacking, most companies will fire you. Claiming that you were
doing security research will not work as that is the first thing
that all hackers claim.

You can find more information about WebGoat at:

CREDITS (Latest release)

	Bruce Mayhew (
	Rogan Dawes (
	Reto Lippuner
	Marcel Wirth 
	Aung Khant (
	Erwin Geirnaert (
	The many people who have sent comments and suggestions...


	* WebGoat is now current at Google code. (
	* Introduction and WebGoat instructions
	* Multi Level Login Lesson
	* Session Fixation Lesson
	* Insecure Login Lesson
	* Lesson Solution Videos
	* Bug Report Feature
	* Many upgrades and minor fixes

    - Unzip and run version
    - Includes java and tomcat
    - Includes standard version
    - Developer version has eclipse and eclipse workspace


Windows - (Download, Extract, Double Click Release)

1. unzip the to your working environment 
2. To start Tomcat, browse to the WebGoat directory unzipped above and 
     double click "webgoat.bat"
3. start your browser and browse to... (Notice the capital 'W' and 'G')
4. login in as: user = guest, password = guest
5. To stop WebGoat, simply close the window you launched it from.

Note: When intercepting requests via a proxy with IE7.  You must add a '.' to the
      end of localhost.  This is only valid for IE7:
          http://localhost./WebGoat/attack        or
          http://localhost.8080/WebGoat/attack    if using a non standard port
      all other browsers should use:


1. Download and install Java JDK 1.5 from Sun (
2. Unzip the to your working directory
3. Set JAVA_HOME to point to your JDK1.5 installation
4. chmod +x 
5. Since the latest version runs on a privileged port, you will need to start/stop WebGoat as root.
	sudo sh start
	sudo sh stop
6. start your browser and browse to... (Notice the capital 'W' and 'G')
7. login in as: user = guest, password = guest

OS X (Tiger 10.4+)

1. Unzip the to your working directory
2. chmod +x
3. Since the latest version runs on a privileged port, you will need to start/stop WebGoat as root.
	sudo sh start
	sudo sh stop
4. start your browser and browse to... (Notice the capital 'W' and 'G')
5. login in as: user = guest, password = guest


1. Download source distribution
2. Unzip the to your working directory
3. Follow the directions in HOW TO create the WebGoat workspace.txt


Q. I put the OWASP downloaded war file in my tomcat/webapps directory and the 
   http://localhost/WebGoat/attack url doesn't work.
A. Rename the downloaded war file to WebGoat.war.  Delete the existing tomcat/webapps/*WebGoat* directories. Restart Tomcat.

Q. I dropped the WebGoat war file into my non-Tomcat application server and WebGoat doesn't seem to work.
A. WebGoat uses some of the internal Tomcat classes for user management.  Unfortunately, this makes 
   WebGoat dependent on Tomcat.  Hopefully, this will be addressed in a future release.

Q. Having problems with the ant file working properly. How do I configure my ant environment 
   so that I don't receive errors such as:
	- "Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM, name j2sdk1.4.2.06"
A. This usually indicates an Eclipse environment setting misconfiguration. Here are some possible solutions:
	i. Ant Runtime Configuration
		- Window > Preferences
		- Ant > Runtime
		- Under Classpath Tab check the "Global Entries"
		- Remove any jre "tools.jar" references
		- Add the "\tomcat\servers\lib\catalina-ant.jar" file.
		- Click Apply, Click OK.
		- Return to the Ant View and refresh.

Q. When I start up WebGoat it dies very quickly.
A. WebGoat is a Java application that runs on Tomcat using port 80.  If you have another 
   application listening on port 80 (like IIS), you will need to change WebGoat's port 
   (to 8080 or something) in the tomcat_root/conf/server.xml file.

Q. When I deploy the war file to the Tomcat wepapps directory, I can't login to WebGoat
A. You need to add the webgoat users and roles to tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <role rolename="webgoat_basic"/>
      <role rolename="webgoat_admin"/>
      <role rolename="webgoat_user"/>
      <role rolename="tomcat"/>
      <user password="webgoat" roles="webgoat_admin" username="webgoat"/>
      <user password="basic" roles="webgoat_user,webgoat_basic" username="basic"/>
      <user password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" username="tomcat"/>
      <user password="guest" roles="webgoat_user" username="guest"/>

Q. How do I get configure WebGoat to run on an IP other then localhost?
A. In the webgoat.bat file, in the root directory, the following lines
   are executed: 

      delete .\tomcat\conf\server.xml 
      copy .\tomcat\conf\server_80.xml .\tomcat\conf\server.xml 

   This will overwrite any changes you may have made to server.xml 
   file that addressed this issue.... 

   By changing the server_80.xml file (or by removing the above code
   from webgoat.bat, after making your changes) you can reflect your
   changes to the Tomcat configuration. You will need to change the IP
   address in the server_80.xml file to be the IP of the host machine.

   The following connectors should be modified
      <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --> 
      <Connector address="" port="80" 
      <!-- Define a SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --> 
      <Connector address="" port="443" 

   where the will be replaced by your IP. In this case

Q. How do I solve lesson X?
A. Subscribe to the WebGoat mailing list at
   Post your question to


Please send questions, comments, suggestions, bugs, etc to