HR Management system app to manage your company employees.
This project is being created with React JS and Firebase database. Includes Firebase authentification and Cloud Functions.
Live demo on Netlify
Core aplication is working, but it is still work in progress as I learn React.
- Update Associate profile picture, crop, resize to 200px square and upload to Firestore
- Set document category when uploading a new document
- Download, delete a document
- Set document category when uploading a new document
- Changes tab showing changes done to Title or Salary of associates
- Demo mode login button, restricts Demo user to affect State with Delete or Update functions. Demo user can't change data in Firebase or Firestore.
- Add, Delete Associates
- Graphs with realtime data from database.
- Bulk import Associates from CSV with provided master CSV file
- Cloud Function running every 2 months to get current number of Employed Associates and write it to Database => display on graph.
- Authentication with Firebase
- Add Tasks, approve and reject task
- Task to change salary or title will change actual data on target associate, also changes will be recorded in Changes tab
- Give Thanks, add comments, likes, edit your own comments and delete them
- Terminate Associate with a click of a button
- Edit my own profile, hide data regullar user shoudn't be able to see ( my notes, my documents etc...)
- View, request holidays