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A beekeeping IOT project: A/V streaming and sensor monitoring of hive activity.


Hive Pi setup


  • Recommended for development: Raspberry Pi 4B
  • Microphone: USB or Respeaker
  • Ethernet or WiFi connection to the Pi with >= 10 Mbps up / down
  • 32 GB high performance microSD card
  • Raspberry Pi Camera


Write a Raspberry Pi OS Image
  • Insert the microSD card into your computer
  • Confirm that it's the right card, and you've backed up anything important on it!
  • Download and run Raspberry Pi Imager
  • Choose operating system
  • Under Raspberry Pi OS (other), choose Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32 bit)
  • Choose the correct microSD card
  • Write
  • Remove the microSD card
  • Re-insert the microSD card
  • Navigate to the microSD in a terminal window, e.g. cd /Volumes/boot
  • Run touch ssh to enable SSH access
  • If using WiFi:
  • At the root of the microSD card (e.g. /Volumes/boot), create a wpa_supplicant.conf file, replacing the ssid and psk with the WiFi name, password, and security method as appropriate:
country=GB # Your 2-digit country code
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  • Unmount (software eject) the SD card
  • Remove the microSD card
Set up the Pi
  • Insert the microSD card into the Pi
  • Power on the Pi
  • Access the Pi using SSH in a terminal window:
    • ssh pi@raspberrypi
    • If the Pi cannot be found, use your router's interface or networking tools (e.g. arp -a) to identify the pi's IP address, and SSH in using that, e.g. pi@
    • Log in using the default password of raspberry
  • Configure the Pi
    • Run sudo raspi-config
    • Select 1 System Options
    • Select S3 Password
    • Change the password for the Pi user. Generate a secure password with a tool like LastPass. Store the password securely in a password manager
    • Select 1 System Options
    • Select S4 Hostname
    • Change the hostname of the Pi to a memorable name. Store the hostname somewhere safe, as it will be needed to log in again (ideally alongside the password in a password manager)
    • Select 3 Interface Options
    • Select P1 Camera
    • Select Yes to enable the Pi camera
    • Select 3 Interface Options
    • Select P5 I2C
    • Select Yes to enable I2C (for environment sensing)
    • Exit raspi-config
    • Restart the Pi with sudo shutdown -r now
    • SSH back into the Pi, using the new hostname. Test that the new password works correctly
    • Test that the camera is working:
      • Take a test image with raspistill -o test.jpg
      • Copy the test image to your machine with scp pi@hostname:/home/pi/test.jpg . (replace the last dot with the preferred destination on your machine)
      • Open the image and verify the picture has taken
    • Use exit to disconnect from the Pi
  • Set up public key authentication
    • If you do not already have a keypair on your computer, create one with ssh-keygen
    • Copy your public key onto the pi with ssh-copy-id pi@hostname
    • Authenticate with the Pi's password
    • You should now be able to SSH in without a password
  • Ensure the Pi is updated to the latest version
    • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  • Install Docker
    • curl -fsSL -o && sudo sh
  • Install docker-compose
    • sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev python python-pip python3 python3-pip && sudo pip3 install docker-compose
  • Allow the pi user to run Docker
    • sudo groupadd docker ; sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    • Logout with exit and log back in
    • Confirm the pi user can run Docker with docker run --rm hello-world
  • Confirm microphone presence and set microphone volume
    • Run alsamixer
    • Press F6: select the sound card: e.g. typically "USB PnP Sound Device" for a USB microphone
    • Press F4: a microphone capture device should be available
    • Use the up / down arrow keys to adjust the microphone volume. This can be tweaked later if needed. Recommend maxing out the white bar (but not going into the red bar)
    • Press Esc to exit
  • Clone the repository
    • Install git with sudo apt-get install -y git
    • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Run the hive software
    • cd bee_iot/hive
    • Set up libraries for picam (only required once)
      • $(cd ./services/av_streaming/picam && sh
    • cp .env.example .env
    • Edit .env in accordance with the comments in that file
    • Run with docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build --remove-orphans
    • Check the logs for success with docker-compose logs -f

Server setup


docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml up -d --force-recreate --build --remove-orphans