Performs context based spelling correction.
Based on:
work in progress. NOT yet production ready
See the most important environment variables in order to get started.
SC_ADDR: The address the server listens to (default :10000)
SC_SENTENCES_PATH: The path of the file containing sentences from the language
you want to perform spelling correction for. (File must be gzipped)
SC_DICT_PATH: The path of the file with word frequency dictionary for the languate. (file must be gzipped)
See the internal/config/config.go for additional variables
Example assuming that the train files are in the datasets/ folder.
make build
SC_ADDR=:10000 SC_SENTENCES_PATH=datasets/sentences.txt2.gz SC_DICT_PATH=datasets/de-100k.txt.gz ./spell-correct-server
It starts a web server listening by default on port 10.000
curl GET 'http://localhost:10000?query=piza%20in%20bonn'
It gives you back the suggestions. The suggestions are ordered with the ones the algorithm decides are most relevant first.
- make docker-build
- docker run -p 10000:10000 -v /home/giorgos/datasets:/datasets -e SC_SENTENCES_PATH=/datasets/sentences.txt2 -e SC_DICT_PATH=/datasets/de-100k.txt spell-correctort