In the root of the repository, run ./scripts/benchmark
Pre-built ImageIO jars can be found here. The jars are in this archive.
Pre-built native dependencies can be found here. For Ubuntu 12.04 and compatible systems, this tarball is known to work. GDAL also needs certain data to operate, those files can be found here.
Java bindings are also needed. For Ubuntu 12.04 and compatible systems, this package contains the needed files.
The test data can be found here.
GDAL_DATA=$(pwd)/benchmark/gdal/gdal-data LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/benchmark/gdal/native:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./sbt "project benchmark" "jmh:run"
We use JMH to wire up all benchmarks. Understanding the semantics of the JMH annotations takes some time. For clues, take a look at this cheatsheet