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GeoDocker Cluster

GeoDocker is a collection of Docker images encapsulating a distributed geo-processing platform based on GeoTrellis, GeoMesa, and GeoWave. The emphasis is on providing integration between these projects and exposing geo-processing functionality in Hadoop ecosystem.

Project Status

This project is in active development. The layout and composition of GeoDocker may change as we explore this our use-case further. Despite that we're committed to maintaining sanity by providing publicly published, versioned, and tested images. Your feedback and contributions are always welcome.


  • Integrate GeoTrellis, GeoWave, and GeoMesa as a unified platform
  • Provide realistic and convenient distributed integration testing environment
  • Support deployment of GeoDocker to Amazon EMR
  • Explore and support other deployment options like DC/OS and ECS



Build and Publish

It is not necessary to build and publish these containers to use them as-is. Pre-built images are available on Building is only necessary in-order to customize and develop GeoDocker.

All images contain a Makefile which provide following targets:

  • build: Builds the container with latest tag
  • test: Runs the container tests
  • publish: Publishes the container with latest tag and tag provided by a $TAG environment variable (ex: make publish TAG=ABC123)

These targets are also used by Travis Ci as specified in .travis.yml

Docker Compose: Local Cluster

Those images which contain multiple container roles or depend on instance of other containers to function also provide a docker-compose.yml file which allows to easily bring up an local cluster. This cluster can be used for exploration, integration testing, and debugging.

# Build the latest container
~/proj/geodocker-accumulomake build
docker build -t	.
Sending build context to Docker daemon 117.2 kB
Step 1 : FROM

# Start a local multi-container cluster, use -d option to start in background mode
~/proj/geodocker-accumulodocker-compose up
Creating geodockeraccumulo_zookeeper_1
Creating geodockeraccumulo_hdfs-name_1
Creating geodockeraccumulo_hdfs-data_1
Creating geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-master_1
Creating geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-tserver_1
Creating geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-monitor_1
Attaching to geodockeraccumulo_hdfs-name_1, geodockeraccumulo_zookeeper_1, geodockeraccumulo_hdfs-data_1, geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-master_1, geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-monitor_1, geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-tserver_1

# Inspect running containers
~/proj/geodocker-accumulodocker-compose ps
                Name                              Command               State                     Ports
geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-master_1    /sbin/ master ...   Up
geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-monitor_1   /sbin/ monitor      Up>50095/tcp
geodockeraccumulo_accumulo-tserver_1   /sbin/ tserver      Up
geodockeraccumulo_hdfs-data_1          /sbin/ data         Up
geodockeraccumulo_hdfs-name_1          /sbin/ name         Up>50070/tcp
geodockeraccumulo_zookeeper_1          /sbin/ zkServ ...   Up>2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp

# Inspect logs from running container
~/proj/geodocker-accumulodocker-compose logs hdfs-name
hdfs-name_1         | Formatting namenode root fs in /data/hdfs/name...
hdfs-name_1         | 16/07/14 02:30:16 INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG:
hdfs-name_1         | /************************************************************
hdfs-name_1         | STARTUP_MSG: Starting NameNode
hdfs-name_1         | STARTUP_MSG:   host = 46c38f89156b/
hdfs-name_1         | STARTUP_MSG:   args = [-format]

# Run a command inside the cluster container
~/proj/geodocker-accumulodocker-compose run --rm accumulo-master bash -c "set -e \
		&& source /sbin/ \
		&& wait_until_hdfs_is_available \
		&& with_backoff hdfs dfs -test -d /accumulo \
		&& accumulo shell -p GisPwd -e 'createtable test_table'"
Safe mode is OFF
2016-07-14 02:49:25,809 [trace.DistributedTrace] INFO : SpanReceiver org.apache.accumulo.tracer.ZooTraceClient was loaded successfully.
2016-07-14 02:49:25,973 [shell.Shell] ERROR: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException: Table test_table exists
make: *** [test] Error 1
