Create unique animations and interactions with tweens, physics and input tracking.
Popmotion is:
- Tiny: At ~9kb, it's 75% smaller than GreenSock.
- Fast: Stands up to popular alternatives in performance tests.
- Compatible: Full browser support and preloaded with CSS, SVG and SVG path renderers.
- Composable: Actions and output functions can be composed to create complex motion systems.
- Advanced: Sophisticated tween and color blending for the smoothest possible motion.
- Powerful: Discrete render step scheduling allows full control over each frame.
Simple tween(Coming soon)- Bouncing ball with gravity
Pointer tracking(Coming soon)- Scrolling list with momentum and spring-loaded boundaries
- Tween blending
- Color blending
In your project root:
npm install --save popmotion
In your javascript module:
import { tween } from 'popmotion';
from our GitHub repo and include it in your HTML document:
<script src="path/to/"></script>
Popmotion is then available as the global variable popmotion
Creating basic motion like tweens and physics in Popmotion is simple. For example, here's a simple tween that prints its output to the console
import { tween } from 'popmotion';
to: 100,
onUpdate: (v) => console.log(v)
To use that tween to move an actual DOM element, we can create a CSS renderer.
const ballRenderer = css(document.getElementById('ball'));
to: 100,
onUpdate: (v) => ballRenderer.set('x', v)