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Tags: fx-fusion/pusher-js




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Fix error handling event parameter (pusher#739)


7.0.3 (2021-01-25)

[UPDATED] Bumped version of faye-websocket (used only by the node runtime) from
0.9.4 to 0.11.3. Thanks to @Akhawais for the PR.

[UPDATED] Bumped version of @react-native-community/netinfo (used only by the
react-native runtime) from 4.1.1 to 5.9.7. Thanks to @Yinabled for the PR.

[ADDED] We were missing a react-native key in `package.json`. Thanks to @giaset
for the PR

[ADDED] Support for importing the worker builds (solving issue pusher#499)


7.0.2 (2020-11-26)

[FIXED] Removes `AuthInfo` type from react-native and with-encryption builds.
This type was removed everywhere else in v7.0.0. See [issue


7.0.1 (2020-11-02)

[FIXED] Channels no longer get stuck in the `subscriptionPending` state
after a failed request to an auth endpoint. [Fixes Issue


7.0.0 (2020-07-30)

[UPDATED] Type signatures for authorizer callback. Previously the authorizer
callback had 2 arguments, the first was a boolean indicating that the second
was an error. Switched for a more conventional `function(err, data)` signature.
**This is a breaking change, if you use a custom authorizer**

[UPDATED] Types of errors emitted on `pusher:subscription_error` events.
Previously this event just contained the status code the auth endpoint
returned. This was replaced with a (hopefully) more error object with a message
and a `status` key.
**This is a breaking change, if you depend on the status in the
`pusher:subscription_error` event**

[FIXED] Stop wrapping websocket errors multiple times. [Fixes issue
**This might be a breaking change, if you depend on the structure of `'error'` events
emitted by `pusher.connection`**

[FIXED] Stop swallowing errors thrown by handlers on encrypted channels.
Previously errors thrown by handlers bound to encrypted channels were caught
and ignored. This was unintentional and undesirable. [Fixes Issue


6.0.3 (2020-05-14)

[FIXED] Added typescript declarations for the pusher-js/with-encryption build

[REMOVED] Unnecessary dummy tweetnacl types for react-native (thanks to

[UPDATED] Copyright years (thanks to @annzenkina)


[FIXED] React-native import broken in release 6.0.1


v6.0.1 (2020-04-30)

[CHANGED] Moved tweetnacl from `devDependencies` to `dependencies`. No
additional code is included in the bundle, but this gives the typescript
compiler access to the tweetnacl types

[FIXED] Typescript declarations for react-native. These were supposed to be
included in 6.0.0 but the commit was missed



[CHANGED] The default builds for web and worker no longer support encrypted
channels. To use encrypted channels in web/worker you must import
`pusher-js/with-encryption` or use the
`pusher-with-encryption.js`/`pusher-with-encryption.min.js` bundles

[CHANGED] `forceTLS` now defaults to `true`

[REMOVED] the `encrypted` option - this was deprecated in `4.3.0`. The library
defaults to TLS anyway. Setting `encrypted` to `false` will **NOT** change

[FIXED] `activityTimeout` and `pongTimeout` options now work as described in
the docs.

[NEW] Typescript declarations for react-native

[NEW] Support for encrypted-channels in react-native and workers



[FIXED] An issue with typescript declarations which caused builds to fail on
typescript projects dependent on pusher-js