Warning appears in terminal for macro expression using $ #3100
The warning below appears in the terminal when $
is used to the left of =
in a macro expression such as in this
Example Notebook.
β Warning: unknown use of `=`. Assignee is unrecognised.
β ex = :($(Expr(:$, :([:first, :second]))))
β @ ExpressionExplorer C:\Users\nboyer.AIP\.julia\packages\ExpressionExplorer\2Mxnn\src\explore.jl:177
DataFramesMeta.jl requires this in some cases:
Arguments wrapped entirely in $ or $() are passed directly to the underlying DataFrames.jl functions.
Because of this, in addition to the single-column selectors listed above, multi-argument selectors are allowed.
These include, but are not limited to
Vectors of Symbols, $[:x, :y], strings, $["x", "y"], or integers $[1, 2]
Regular expressions, $(r"^a")
Filtering column selectors, such as $(Not(:x)) and $(Between(:a, :z))
(I'm not figuring out video software just to report a terminal message.)
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