The project aims to recreate the visual interface of the Facebook login page, using the resources of the utility-first CSS framework Tailwind version 3. This application was developed together with Matheus Batisti's course - Tailwind CSS do básico ao avançado.
The technologies used in this project were:
Original web-site here. Open without session or with the incognito tab of your browser. (It may have changed a bit over time)
git and npm
1- Clone this repository.
git clone
2- Access the /src folder inside the project directory by your terminal/cmd.
cd facebook-page-clone/src/
3- Open index.html file. If you are using VSCode, you can use the Live Server extension to run an application on localhost:5500.
4- (Optional) You can make changes to the project using the Tailwind CLI build process. In the root folder of the project, enter the command to run the build.
npx tailwindcss -i tailwind.css -o src/css/styles.css --watch
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.