Frédéric Debraine, 30/05/2020
- Train/test split based on speaker id to avoid data leakage or overfitting on voices.
- Replace stratified CV by Group CV to avoid data leakage between train and validation sets.
- Replace ROC-AUC metric by F1 (otherwise we need probability outputs for all models, not possible for ensemble)
- Making sure the score average mode is on 'weighted' to take into account class imbalance.
- modules: Python scripts related to ML pipeline.
- data: Contains Emo-DB dataset.
- Flask API defining end points to train and predict.
- Dockerfile: Defines steps to build container (install dependencies, download and extract data, expose ports,...)
- docker-compose.yml: Automatize the build and run of two containers: one for the jupyter notebook and the other for the Flask API.
- Report_SER.ipynb: Notebook used for fast prototyping and presenting preliminary results and visualizations.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- Open in browser: http://localhost:8081/tree?
- Password: password
- You can also select the number of top base models to consider from 2 to 5 (default is n=3):
curl | json_pp