Ethiopian Movie Database Bots
Ethiopian Movie Database (EtMDB) was started in 2014 to help Ethiopian movie enthusiast and movie lovers with unlimited Ethiopian movies, TV shows and Ethiopian artist contents. EtMDB website offers a searchable database for Ethiopian movies, Ethiopian actors, actress, directors, writers, production and distribution companies and full movie crews. EtMDB provides users with rating and watch-list to improve movie lovers with exclusive contents. Users can also share movies and photo galleries, users can reviews, build a list of movies you want to watch or watched, watch trailers, and get recommendations based on personal interest. Besides entertainment, our movie industry can became one source of income for the community, similar like Nigerian movie industry, Nollywood. EtMDB team has two movie enthusiast with Software & Media Engineering background working everyday to add more movies and artists profile to the database. Currently both developers are specializing in Master’s Degree in Software Engineering and working for EtMDB with passion. We hopes you'll love everything our website has to offer and explore a little. We're really proud of the service we've built and hope you find it as useful as we do.