For we have been socialized to respect fear more than our own needs
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I value interconnectedness, creativity, and human well-being most in life. I create my worldview by seeking diverse perspectives, questioning assumptions, and staying open to change. New experiences or evidence that contradict my current beliefs would change my worldview. My priorities are empowering others, fostering sustainability, and pursuing knowledge. When laws are unjust or harm fundamental rights, civil disobedience may be morally justified. Creating design systems that deliver context-sensitive, human-centered outcomes, even on a large scale.
On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Fundamental human rights and freedoms championed in this document include:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Article 12.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 19.
As the reader is probably aware, modern nation states are eroding our freedoms at an accelerated rate. The privacy of all global citizens is being grossly invaded with an extensive, mass surveillance network which has contributed to repressive activities (see this report from Privacy International]). Untold billions are under the constant scrutiny of domestic authoritative regimes and law enforcement; the hallmark features of a police state.
Unless precautions are taken, the Internet Service Provider and global surveillance systems like ECHELON and PRISM can record everything done online: what the user reads, writes, and with whom they communicate. Only the ill-informed continue to believe this is a conspiracy theory, see this report from the European Parliament
, quote:
REPORT on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communicationsECHELON interception system
Devs aren't trustworthy by definition
You design an impenetrable box, that’s supposed to keep rodents, water, cold/hot air etc out. And then you start adding doors, and windows, and pipes, etc to allow those elements to penetrate but in a controlled manner
He Will Not Divide Us
No one person can be an expert on everything. So vesting all power into a single person's hands will never make sense. That doesn't even get into the incentive problems surrounding centralizing decision making. Decision making groups tend to make decisions that don't hurt themselves (people are loss averse). So we end up with situations where the decision makers will avoid hurting themselves, even if they could handle it, at the expense of those without decision making power.
I plan every step so that my anonymity will not only exist today, but also in 10 years.
The reason that generative AI is booming is not that it produces value for customers, but rather that it consumes a lot of what the folks with money to spare are selling. This is a cynical and incomplete model for what’s happening; it doesn’t explain everything. But it has helped me see some things that I was missing
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.
The truth is generally seen, rarely heard.
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
Conquer yourself rather than the world.
One should use common words to say uncommon things.
Hang on to your youthful enthusiasms – you’ll be able to use them better when you’re older.
I would rather be a devil in alliance with truth, than an angel in alliance with falsehood.
Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do.
The busier we are, the more acutely we feel that we live, the more conscious we are of life.
The sad thing about speculative investing is that it's zero sum.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
Reason has always existed, but not always in a reasonable form.
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts.
I love those who yearn for the impossible.
confirming biases, giving people comfort with truthiness in place of being well informed - it's the new opiate of the masses
Construction is often disconnected from the people using the spaces, as it's primarily in the hands of developers, corporations, and large entities. Traditional societies, by contrast, often allowed people to shape their own environments in ways uniquely suited to their lives
How do I create my worldview?
What would change it?
What are my priorities?
Do my priorities still make sense given the changes that have happened?
Copyleft dies in china
The cloud in a box? Talk about bottling farts
Try to provide value however you can, consider what others want, what are the things they care about and try to provide that for them.
look upon all works and despair
Stand on the shoulders of giants.
Privacy is a fundamental human right.
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right.
Bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right.
In a world of global markets, the ability to manage currency transcends borders and is a fundamental right for all.
The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
You are about to reach your goals.
Your potential is limitless, and every day brings you closer to your dreams.
Be very wary of using someone else's computer.
Reminder that your fate is in your hands, a grand total of 0 people give a single fuck about you
"Guru yok, metod yok, öğretmen yok. Sadece sen ve ben, ve doğa, bahçe içinde." — Terence McKenna
A truly generative design doesn't just fulfill technical requirements but fosters well-being and coherence in people's lives
Assume nothing.
Never go against your gut.
Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
Do not look back; you are never completely alone.
Go with the flow, blend in.
Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.
Lull them into a sense of complacency.
Do not harass the opposition.
Pick the time and place for action.
Keep your options open.
Anger, jealousy and paranoia is music to their ears.
Emotive posts are far more likely to yield truthful information and force people into dropping their guards.
Do not get sucked in to this dangerous vortex. Take a deep breath and respond to drama with rational thought.
Take nothing personally. If you cannot do that, log off and chill for a while.
Do not allow anyone to tilt you.
If you have the potential to become a target, don't leave breadcrumbs
Establish a rapport and indicate a shared sentiment with the subject when their interests are made known. Take note of their speech patterns and integrate it into your own conversational style as trust is developed
Don't be annoying and chase people to give an answer. Give people space, they are not obligated to answer you and don't owe you anything
Be humble and understand your position in the social hierarchy relative to others, if you want people to open up to you then you have to provide value.
Ask targeted questions to hyper focus on obtaining the exact information you need to achieve your goals, almost obsessively.
You may not be able to provide advice based on your experience because you don't know as much as those more experienced than you, but everyone enjoys a thoughtful discussion and you can provide value that way.
Don't ask redundant questions you can easily find the answer to yourself by doing some light searching.
I think the phrase "you want to be the dumbest person in the room" applies here. Being around more successful people will level you up. Talk to people who have already achieved what you want to achieve and hang around them. Soak as much info and advice from them as possible. Be a sponge.
Ask interesting questions that get people thinking.
Crack some jokes here and there and share as much as you're comfortable with. It helps to build trust and foster community relationships. You can share your wins and fails together and actually make friends.
Lead by example
Leverage other resources you have even if you don't have the capital so others think that you're worth befriending or keeping in your circle, whether that's your domain expertise, personal connections, etc
Life is a curse, consciousness is a curse. I would also rather not know what is happening in palestine but I do. And this knowledge is from Allah, all that you can be aware of is because of Allah so theres no curse. Only a pain of existence that we shoulder and endure
"""the drummer gangang zai from the Chinese Mainland band school girl by-bye made a late night post revealing that during her University days her father allegedly used his connections to modify her GPA so that all her grades were above 85 she even thought how is this possible later her father arranged a job for her at a TV station bought a house nearby and told her this is how your life will be from now on cherish it well why are poor people poor this question shouldn't even be a question because in a normal societal structure as long as there is basic social fairness and equal opportunities for everyone allowing individuals to rely on their survival skills to thrive having both poor and Rich people is just a normal social ecology however a relevant survey report draws significant attention the 2010 China residents quality of life index survey report pointed out that about 1/4 of respondents felt poor than those around them when discussing why they are poor people tend to blame broader social factors such as the social system and social climate rather than personal reasons the survey also indicated that when exploring the causes of poverty and wealth there is a widespread value recognition of connections and networks whether in urban or rural areas the primary reason people believe they are poor is lack of connections and networks a Taiwanese writer has a unique observation to gauge a society's progress and civility a simple way is to see what methods people use to solve their problems he found that in mainland China when people encounter trouble they often do not first seek out a lawyer instead they rely on various social connections such as through acquaintances and friends to navigate official channels and resolve their issues the backdoor deals are just the tip of the iceberg in the rampantcheating culture in Chinese Society the book The Ultimate mission of Communism reveals the root cause of these societal issues the Communist Party maintains its rule through violence and deceit with lying being one of its specialties people who grow up under this system lie easily and without any guilt leading to a society where deceit is pervasive from public life to family interactions countless lies saturate Chinese Society the most severe cases of using connections and backdoor methods occur when Chinese officials collude with gangs"""
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Integrity | Integridad | 诚信 (chéngxìn) | Integriteit | Честность (Chéstnost') | Intégrité | Integrität | Dürüstlük | Integridade | 誠実 (Seijitsu) | Integralność |
Responsibility | Responsabilidad | 责任 (zérèn) | Verantwoordelijkheid | Ответственность (Otvetstvennost') | Responsabilité | Verantwortung | Sorumluluk | Responsabilidade | 責任 (Sekinin) | Odpowiedzialność |
Service | Servicio | 服务 (fúwù) | Dienstverlening | Служба (Sluzhba) | Service | Dienstleistung | Hizmet | Serviço | サービス (Sābisu) | Usługi |
Community | Comunidad | 社区 (shèqū) | Gemeenschap | Сообщество (Soobshtestvo) | Communauté | Gemeinschaft | Topluluk | Comunidade | コミュニティ (Komyuniti) | Społeczność |
Freedom | Libertad | 自由 (zìyóu) | Vrijheid | Свобода (Svoboda) | Liberté | Freiheit | Özgürlük | Liberdade | 自由 (Jiyū) | Wolność |
Justice | Justicia | 公正 (gōngzhèng) | Gerechtigheid | Справедливость (Spravedlivost') | Justice | Gerechtigkeit | Adalet | Justiça | 正義 (Seigi) | Sprawiedliwość |
Innovation | Innovación | 创新 (chuàngxīn) | Innovatie | Инновация (Innovatsiya) | Innovation | Innovation | Yenilik | Inovação | 革新 (Kakushin) | Innowacja |
Humility | Humildad | 谦逊 (qiānxùn) | Nederigheid | Смирение (Smirenie) | Humilité | Bescheidenheit | Alçakgönüllülük | Humildade | 謙遜 (Kenson) | Pokora |
Generosity | Generosidad | 慷慨 (kāngkǎi) | Gulheid | Щедрость (Shchedrost') | Générosité | Großzügigkeit | Cömertlik | Generosidade | 寛大さ (Kandai-sa) | Szczodrość |
Curiosity | Curiosidad | 好奇心 (hàoqíxīn) | Nieuwsgierigheid | Любопытство (Lyubopytstvo) | Curiosité | Neugierde | Merak | Curiosidade | 好奇心 (Kōkishin) | Ciekawość |
Radical Privacy | Privacidad Radical | 激进隐私 (jījǐn yǐnsī) | Radicale Privacy | Радикальная Приватность (Radikal'naya Privatnost') | Privacy Radicale | Radikale Privatsphäre | Radikal Gizlilik | Privacidade Radical | 徹底的プライバシー (Tetteiteki Puraibashī) | Radykalna Prywatność |
Ethical Technology | Tecnología Ética | 伦理技术 (lúnlǐ jìshù) | Ethische Technologie | Этическая Технология (Eticheskaya Tekhnologiya) | Technologie Éthique | Ethische Technologie | Etik Teknoloji | Tecnologia Ética | 倫理的技術 (Rinriteki Gijutsu) | Etyczna Technologia |
Intellectual Freedom | Libertad Intelectual | 知识自由 (zhīshi zìyóu) | Intellectuele Vrijheid | Интеллектуальная Свобода (Intellektual'naya Svoboda) | Liberté Intellectuelle | Intellektuelle Freiheit | Entelektüel Özgürlük | Liberdade Intelectual | 知的自由 (Chiteki Jiyū) | Wolność Intelektualna |
Social Justice | Justicia Social | 社会正义 (shèhuì zhèngyì) | Sociale Rechtvaardigheid | Социальная Справедливость (Sotsial'naya Spravedlivost') | Justice Sociale | Soziale Gerechtigkeit | Sosyal Adalet | Justiça Social | 社会正義 (Shakai Seigi) | Sprawiedliwość Społeczna |
Collective Empowerment | Empoderamiento Colectivo | 集体赋能 (jítǐ fùnéng) | Collectieve Empowerment | Коллективное Расширение Прав (Kollektivnoye Rasshireniye Prav) | Autonomisation Collective | Kollektive Ermächtigung | Kolektif Güçlendirme | Empoderamento Coletivo | 集団的エンパワーメント (Shūdan-teki Enpawāmento) | Wspólne Wzmocnienie |
Radical Transparency | Transparencia Radical | 激进透明 (jījǐn tòumíng) | Radicale Transparantie | Радикальная Прозрачность (Radikal'naya Prozrachnost') | Transparence Radicale | Radikale Transparenz | Radikal Şeffaflık | Transparência Radical | 徹底的透明性 (Tetteiteki Tōmesei) | Radykalna Przejrzystość |
Ambition | Ambición | 雄心壮志 (xióngxīn zhuàngzhì) | Ambitie | Амбиция (Ambitsiya) | Ambition | Ehrgeiz | İhtiras | Ambição | 野心 (Yashin) | Ambicja |
Personal Autonomy | Autonomía Personal | 个人自主权 (gèrén zìzhǔquán) | Persoonlijke Autonomie | Личная Автономия (Lichnaya Avtonomiya) | Autonomie Personnelle | Persönliche Autonomie | Kişisel Özerklik | Autonomia Pessoal | 個人の自律 (Kojin no Jiritsu) | Autonomia Osobista |
Equanimity | Ecuanimidad | 平静 (píngjìng) | Gelijkmoedigheid | Уравновешенность (Uravnovezhennost') | Équanimité | Gleichmut | Sükunet | Equanimidade | 平静 (Heisei) | Spokój |
Altruism | Altruismo | 利他主义 (lìtā zhǔyì) | Altruïsme | Альтруизм (Al'truizm) | Altruisme | Altruismus | Özgecilik | Altruísmo | 利他主義 (Rita Shugi) | Altruizm |
Resilience | Resiliencia | 韧性 (rènxìng) | Veerkracht | Устойчивость (Ustoychivost') | Résilience | Resilienz | Dayanıklılık | Resiliência | 回復力 (Kaifuku-ryoku) | Odporność |
Solidarity | Solidaridad | 团结 (tuánjié) | Solidariteit | Солидарность (Solidarnost') | Solidarité | Solidarität | Dayanışma | Solidariedade | 連帯 (Rentai) | Solidarność |
Synergy | Sinergia | 协同作用 (xiétóng zuòyòng) | Synergie | Синергия (Sinergiya) | Synergie | Synergie | Sinerji | Sinergia | 相乗効果 (Sōjōkōka) | Synergia |
Inclusivity | Inclusividad | 包容性 (bāoróngxìng) | Inclusiviteit | Инклюзивность (Inkluzivnost') | Inclusivité | Inklusivität | Kapsayıcılık | Inclusividade | 包摂性 (Hōsetsu-sei) | Włączność |
Empathy | Empatía | 共情 (gòngqíng) | Empathie | Эмпатия (Empatiya) | Empathie | Empathie | Empati | Empatia | 共感 (Kyōkan) | Empatia |
Visionary Thinking | Pensamiento Visionario | 远见思维 (yuǎnjiàn sīwéi) | Visionair Denken | Визионерское Мышление (Vizionerskoye Myshlenie) | Pensée Visionnaire | Visionäres Denken | Vizyoner Düşünce | Pensamento Visionário | 先見の明 (Senken no Mei) | Wizjonerskie Myślenie |
Accountability | Rendición de Cuentas | 问责制 (wènzézhì) | Verantwoording | Подотчетность (Podotchotnost') | Responsabilisation | Verantwortlichkeit | Hesap Verebilirlik | Prestação de Contas | 説明責任 (Setsumei Sekinin) | Odpowiedzialność |
Sustainability | Sostenibilidad | 可持续性 (kěchíxùxìng) | Duurzaamheid | Устойчивое Развитие (Ustoychivoye Razvitie) | Durabilité | Nachhaltigkeit | Sürdürülebilirlik | Sustentabilidade | 持続可能性 (Jizoku Kanōsei) | Zrównoważony Rozwój |
Continuous Improvement | Mejora Continua | 持续改进 (chíxù gǎijìn) | Continue Verbetering | Непрерывное Совершенствование (Nepreryvnoye Sovershenstvovaniye) | Amélioration Continue | Kontinuierliche Verbesserung | Sürekli İyileştirme | Melhoria Contínua | 継続的改善 (Keizoku-teki Kaizen) | Ciągłe Doskonalenie |
I welcome all perspectives and encourage open dialogue. Let's build a more private, secure, and equitable digital future together.