This is an Arduino library for Bosch BMP180 & BMP085 barometric pressure & temperature sensor
- Supply voltage: 1.8v - 3.6v
- Range: 30,000Pa..110,000Pa at 0°C..+65°C
- Typ. resolution: 1Pa / 0.1°C
- Typ. accuracy: ±100Pa / ±1.0°C
- Typ. relative accuracy: ±12Pa / xx°C
Supports all* sensors features & more:
- Read & calculate compensated temperature**, in °C
- Read & calculate compensated barometric pressure**, in Pa
- Reset
- Read chip ID
- Read chip FW version
- Calculate sea level pressure, in Pa
- Convert barometric pressure to hPa, mmHg, inHg
- Convert sea level pressure to hPa, mmHg, inHg
- Simple forecast: thunderstorm, rain, cloudy, partly cloudy, clear, sunny
Important recommendations:
- Measurement of atmospheric pressure depends on the ambient temperature. Avoid placing the BMP180 in front of a heat source.
- Do not expose the BMP180 to airflow from a fan, as this may lead to unstable measurements.
- The sensor is sensitive to moisture and is not recommended for direct contact with water.
- BMP180 is sensitive to light. Do not expose the sensor to direct light.
- Do not exceed the supply voltage.
Tested on:
- Arduino AVR
- Arduino ESP8266
- Arduino STM32
*EOC pin is not used, shows the end of conversion
*XCLR pin is not used, reset pin
**Library returns 255, if there is a communication error has occurred