The Example Resource Server War is a very simple Spring MVC web application that demonstrates how a Resource Server can communicate with the Authorization Server using the org.surfnet.oaaas.auth.AuthorizationServerFilter
(which is a simple javax.servlet.Filter
). The AuthorizationServerFilter
only protects a single JSP page in the apis-example-resource-server-war module.
To see the in action first start the Authorization Server. Go the authorization-server-war and start the application
cd apis-authorization-server-war
mvn jetty:run
Go the apis-example-resource-server-war and start the application (new Terminal session)
cd apis-example-resource-server-war
mvn jetty:run
Then perform a curl (new Terminal session):
curl -i -v -H "Authorization: bearer 00-11-22-33" http://localhost:8082
You will see the response of the /apis-example-resource-server-war/src/main/webapp/index.jsp
which should look this:
AuthenticatedPrincipalImpl [name=it-test-enduser, roles=[user, admin], attributes={}
This works because of the fact that access token '00-11-22-33' is configured in the dummy data defined in /apis-authorization-server/src/main/resources/db/migration/hsqldb/V1__auth-server-admin.sql
Also configured in the dummy data defined in /apis-authorization-server/src/main/resources/db/migration/hsqldb/V1__auth-server-admin.sql are the resource server with the key-secret as defined in /apis-example-resource-server-war/src/test/resources/ read by the org.surfnet.oaaas.auth.AuthorizationServerFilter
configured in /apis-example-resource-server-war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
See the documentation in the in the other Example Resource Server for detailed instructions on how to demo the entire flow.