A curated list of awesome MediaPipe related frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-go.
Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock!
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
Desktop examples of using MediaPipe.
How to create Bazel project using MediaPipe as external dependence
Connecting openFrameworks to Google MediaPipe Machine Learning Framework over UDP
Android examples.
MediaPipe face detection gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library
MediaPipe multi-hand tracking gpu demo with MediaPipe's Android archive library
iOS examples.
Tutorial to create an importable iOS framework: Find memes that match your facial expression 😮
How to build MediaPipe hand tracking (iOS) as an Xcode project
iOS frameworks.
Cloud examples.
TensorFlow and TFLite examples.
- Face tracking web utility with applied filters for headtracking spatial audio uses
- Sample code for sharing and testing TFLite models quantized and optimized for ARM devices (e.g. RaspberryPi) with BlazeFace, FaceMesh, BodyPix, and Objectron
Pytorch examples.
System for recognizing signs of the german sign language (DGS) from live webcam
Hand commander: MQTT implementation of custom hand gestures running on raspberry pi
Where to discover new MediaPipe libraries.
Add the group of your city/country here (send PR)
- MediaPipe with Custom tflite Model - Getting started tutorial by engineers at Indian startup Fynd