Where can I see your demo? https://1jack80-404.netlify.app
What was My experience? Short and simple. This project took me less thatn an hour to build and the fact that i didnt need to use media queries here means a lot to me since my knowledge in css grids have really been a drag hitherto this challenge.
What I have learned/improved? I have come to believe the best way to solve a layout problem is to start with mobile and then work your way up from there.
here's a Pro tip: by default, the content placed in browsers are responsive... text and images( when they have a max width set to 100%) so in order to ease your development process, try to set the least amount of rules you can while still achieving the layout you want... 🤭 Trust me, its harder than it sounds.
Also, I have gained a deeper understanding of grids and how they can be used to really bring life to layouts in html with ease.
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories.
The app runs fully responsive without the use of media queries all with the use of grids
- See the source code to learn more how this works