Most things you can roll directly from the sheet, by clicking on the corresponding name or the roll button at the end of the row. With weapons: Clicking on 'Name:' rolls an attack, clicking on 'Damage:' rolls the damage you have entered in the field next to it. Please just enter things like 1d10+2, because it will be transferred to an inline roll - no letters!
@{ws} - Weapon Skill
@{bs} - Ballistic Skill
@{strength} - Strength
@{toughness} - Toughness
@{ag} - Agility
@{int} - Intelligence
@{per} - Perception
@{wp} - Willpower
@{fel} - Fellowship
@{wounds} - Current Wounds
@{wounds|max} - Total Wound amount
The most important roll is the %{characteristic} roll. ([[(@{characteristic}+?{Modifier|0}-1d100)/10]] degree(s) of success!) It takes the characteristic you sleected in the drop down, then you may add or subtract a modifier, then it rolls 1d100 and subtracts that from your starting value. That divided by 10 is the amount of degrees of success you achieved. You can emulate everything in this sheet with just this single roll if you don't want to use the rest!