Deskflow version number
Build type
Deskflow package (downloaded from Deskflow)
Operating systems (OS)
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux (X11)
- Linux (Wayland)
- BSD-derived
- Other (please specify)
Wayland on Linux
- I have reviewed the Wayland known issues and my issue is new
- I am not using Wayland on Linux
Signing on macOS
- I have authorized the app to run on my Mac
- I am not using macOS
Continuous build
- I have tried the latest continuous build and the issue persists
- I am unable to try the latest continuous build
OS versions/distros
- Windows 10
Deskflow configuration
- Windows 10 server, Linux Mint 22 Client, OSX Ventura Client
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- write anywhere on a browser while deskflow is active
Log output
Additional information
So, I'm havin´g a persistent problem where weird accents are automati´cally inserted while i type on a browser (it happens at leást in chrome, Edge and Brave). This happens only when´Dêskflow is active - if i turn off deskflow using task manager on windows the issue disappear´s.
This is not limited to deskflow, both synergy an´d all forks - barrier and inpu-leap - present the same pro´blem. There was another thread opened in the barrier repo from another user about this issue: debauchee#1959 (comment)
The issue does no´t happen on the client side - writhing on chrome in thé client does not present this problem.
I have the serve´r machine (windows 10) configured to use Portuguese la´nguage (pt-pt) which does use accents - can that bé related to the problem?
It also only happens o´n the browsers - typing in word, text edito´r or any other program does not present the problem.