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Dav Lasry project

Directory Layout

├── /build/                     # The compiled output (via Babel)
├── /config/                    # Configuration files (for Docker containers etc.)
├── /locales/                   # Localization resources (i18n)
├── /migrations/                # Database schema migrations
├── /seeds/                     # Scripts with reference/sample data
├── /src/                       # Node.js application source files
│   ├── /emails/                # Handlebar templates for sending transactional email
│   ├── /models/                # Data access models, e.g. User.create({ email })
│   ├── /routes/                # Express routes, e.g. /login/facebook
│   ├── /types/                 # GraphQL types with resolve functions
│   │   ├── /Node.js            # Relay's "node" definitions
│   │   ├── /UserType.js        # User account (id, email, etc.)
│   │   ├── /ViewerType.js      # The top-level GraphQL object type
│   │   └── /...                # etc.
│   ├── /app.js                 # Express.js application
│   ├── /db.js                  # Database access and connection pooling (via Knex)
│   ├── /passport.js            # Passport.js authentication strategies
│   ├── /redis.js               # Redis client
│   ├── /schema.js              # GraphQL schema
│   └── /server.js              # Node.js server (entry point)
├── /test/                      # Unit, integration and load tests
├── /tools/                     # Build automation scripts and utilities
├── docker-compose.yml          # Defines Docker services, networks and volumes
├── Dockerfile                  # Commands for building a Docker image for production
├── package.json                # The list of project dependencies
└── yarn.lock                   # Fixed versions of all the dependencies

Getting Started

Make sure that you have [Docker][docker] v17 or newer installed plus a good text editor or IDE ([VS Code][code], [WebStorm][wstorm] or another), clone the repo and launch the app with [Docker Compose][compose]:

git clone -o davidlas -b master --single-branch \
cd davidlas                  # Change current directory to the newly created one
docker-compose up               # Launch Docker containers with the Node.js API app running inside

The API server must become available at http://localhost:8080/graphiql ([live demo][demo]).

Once the docker container named api is started, the Docker engine executes node tools/run.js command that installs Node.js dependencies, migrates database schema to the latest version, compiles Node.js app from source files (see src) and launches it with "live reload" on port 8080.

In order to open a new terminal session from inside the api Docker container run:

docker-compose exec api /bin/sh

From this shell you can run automation scripts such as yarn test, yarn run db:migrate etc. Find the full list of scripts available inside the tools folder and the package.json file.


yarn run lint                   # Find problematic patterns in code
yarn run check                  # Check source code for type errors
yarn run test                   # Run unit tests once
yarn run test:watch             # Run unit tests in watch mode


In order to run the app with [V8 inspector][v8debug] enabled, simply set NODE_DEBUG=true flag in the docker-compose.yml file, restart the app (docker-compose up) and [attach your debugger][vsdebug] to (see .vscode/launch.json for [VS Code][code] as an example).

Keeping Up-to-Date

If you keep the original Git history after clonning this repo, you can always fetch and merge the recent updates back into your project by running:

git checkout master
git fetch nodejs-api-starter
git merge nodejs-api-starter/master
docker-compose up


Customize the deployment script found in tools/publish.js if needed. Then whenever you need to deploy your app to a remote server simply run:

node tools/publish <host>       # where <host> is the name of your web server (see ~/.ssh/config)

Not sure where to deploy your app? [DigitalOcean][do] is a great choice in many cases (get [$10 credit][do])


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