A general-purpose microprocessor portfolio enabling easy development for a broad range of applications, the STM32MP1 series is based on an Arm Cortex-A7 and Cortex-M4 cores architecture. The Cortex-A7 core provides access to open-source operating systems (Linux/Android) while the Cortex-M4 core leverages the STM32 MCU ecosystem.
STM32MP157-DK2 discovery kit includes a touchscreen and also embeds up to 37 communication peripherals including 10/100M or Gigabit Ethernet, 3x USB 2.0 Host/OTG, 29x Timers and Advanced Analog.
This guide includes
- How to set up Linux environment on your host computer
- Build your own Linux image
- Configure the kernel
- Add layers and custom recipes to Linux image
- Customise device tree and apply patches for peripherals including I2C and CAN-FD
- Communicate over Ethernet and FDCAN simultaneously on your board
I highly recommend you to refer to the tutorial I have written for every essential information to begin your journey into Embedded Linux on your STM32MP157x board (also in PDF).
I would be appreciated if you let me know when you come across any typo or outdated information, thanks!
Although a bit outdated, the Digikey's tutorial on STM32MP1 board is also quite useful (which mine is based on): Introduction to Embedded Linux | Digikey