Substrate Multisig Wallet by DappForce
A multisig wallet web UI for Substrate/Polkadot blockchains.
Contributions are welcome!
To start off, this repo (along with others in the @polkadot family) uses yarn workspaces to organise the code. As such, after cloning dependencies should be installed via yarn
, not via npm, the latter will result in broken dependencies.
To get started -
- Clone the repo locally, via
git clone
and change directory to multisig-front-end. - Ensure that you have a recent LTS version of Node.js, for development purposes Node >=10.13.0 is recommended.
- Ensure that you have a recent version of Yarn, for development purposes Yarn >=1.10.1 is required.
- Install the dependencies by running
- Ready! Now you can launch the UI (assuming you have a local Polkadot Node running), via
yarn run start
- Access the UI via http://localhost:3000