HTML | CSS | JavaScript | NodeJS | PHP | Flask | MongoDB | MySql
This document helps to understand web development in detail.And tells you More Information about scripting.
I do not consider myself as a programmer. I create these little programs as experiments to play with Python, or to solve problems for myself. I would gladly accept pointers from others to improve, simplify, or make the code more efficient. If you would like to make any comments then please feel free to email me:
Learn HTML - Chech if you are a learner or beginner in web development. this contains all the basic tags.
Learn CSS - Chech if you are a learner or beginner in web development. this contains all the basic css styles.
Learn JS - Chech if you are a learner or beginner in web development. this contains all the basic scripts.
Learn Node.JS - Chech if you are a learner or beginner in web development. and customize the knowledge about node.js
PHP Programs - Contains the following programs
Programs List
1 - The php code can be embedded into html code just as an example given below
2 - Multiline comments program
3 - To specify a boolean literal, use the keywords TRUE or FALSE. Both are case-insensitive.
4 - String
5 - Add to numbers program in php
6 - Swap two number using third variable program in PHP
7 - Even Odd number program in PHP
8 - Here is the Program to list the first 15 prime numbers.
9 - Factorial of a number in Php
10 - Armstrong number Program in PHP
11 - Palindrome number Program in PHP
12 - Write a PHP program to get the size of a file.
13 - Write a PHP program to remove duplicates from a sorted list.
14 - Swap two number using third variable program in PHP
15 - Program to simple calculator
16 - Program to find the sum of elements in an array.
17 - Program to split a string into an array elements based on delimiter
18 - Program to find the product of elements in an array
19 - Program to combine the array elements into a string with given delimiter.
20 - Separate odd and even elements from array without using loop.
21 - Program to create simple Login and Logout example using sessions.
22 - Program to Upload a file to the Server.
23 - Program to create a New Database using PHP and Mysql.
👉 Note: When we are using XAMPP or WAMP, servername = localhost, username = root, password is empty.
24 - Program to connect to the server and selecting database.
25 - Program to Insert records into the table in Database.
26 - Program to fetch records from the table in Database.
27 - Program to Store a image in Database.
28 - Program to Read image from Database.
29 - Contact form using Php.
30 - Write a PHP script which will display the colors in the following way.
31 - Write a PHP script to calculate and display average temperature, five lowest and highest temperatures.
32 - Write a PHP function to change the following array's all values to upper or lower case.
33 - Write a PHP script which displays all the numbers between 200 and 250 that are divisible by 4.
34 - Write a PHP script to get the shortest/longest string length from an array.
35 - Write a PHP script to get the largest key in an array.
36 - Write a PHP function to floor decimal numbers with precision.
37 - Write a PHP script to sort the following array by the day (page_id) and username.
38 - Write a PHP script to count the total number of times a specific value appears in an array.
39 - Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.
40 - Write a PHP script to count the total number of times a specific value appears in an array.
41 - Write a PHP script to trim all the elements in an array using array_walk function.
42 - Write a PHP script to delete a specific value from an array using array_filter() function.
43 - Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.
44 - Write a PHP program to generate an array with a range taken from a string.
- CSS Website - How to customize css style sheets in web development.
- Single Page Website - Design Live website and know how to use Mongoose package for store data in Mongo DB system.
- Python Flask-Jinja Blog - This blog website helps to understand how to create responsive websites using python
- What learn in this blog website
- How to use bootstrap template.
- How to use Flask-jinja syntax
- Login and Logout working
- How to configure .JSON file and use
- Template Inheritance and Body Block uses.
- Upload File, Images
- How to use SQLAlchemy database
- Fetch, insert, update, delete data from database
- Give Feedback and store in database & How to get alert in email.
- Pagination (next/prev) used
- How to add Social media on website
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