Collection of python and ruby macros to help with chip design in KLayout
Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Tools
- Path to CPW rubymacros/make_cpw.rb
- CPW Resonator Frequency Calculation pymacros/
- Create Grounding Straps along CPW pymacros/Make Ground
FastHenry Integration
- Generates .inp from selected shapes(paths only for now), calls FastHenry, and displays resulting Zc.mat in a dialog box.
- FastHenry3.0 needs to be available in your path.
- In progress
- Boxes as well as paths
- Ground Planes
- Editable Material parameters
- Finer control over parameters
Fabrication Tools
- Write Job File for ASML Stepper In progress.
Download KLayout
Make sure you have Python 3.4 installed on your system, with full numpy and scipy packages. Using Anaconda to create a py34 environment is pretty easy, and you can install the full Anaconda suite (with Numpy and Scipy) automatically.
- If you're running Anaconda with Python 2.7
conda create --name py34 python=3.4 anaconda
This will create an environment containing a Python 3.4 installataion and will also install all anaconda packages.
Clone this repository
git clone
In KLayout Macros Development Window (F5), right click in the list of python folders, and click 'Add Location'. Add the 'pymacros' folder.
Do the same for the rubymacros in the ruby tab.
In 'pymacros/Python', change the path names to correspond to your py34 environment. For instance,
sys.path.append("c:/Anaconda/envs/py34/lib") sys.path.append("c:/Anaconda/envs/py34/lib/site-packages")
Restart KLayout. Most functions should appear in 'Tools' menu.