This is a Social Multiplayer Gaming team project which mainly use AngularJS.
The design doc is [here] (
Youlong Li (Owner)
- Write initial test for server V1
- Write the initial design doc
- Set up the initial project and page
- In charge of the lobby page
- Set up the channel in sync mode
- Handle the initial match insertion
- Handle the layout of all pages
- Deal with other trivial stuff (login, submit test players and games and etc.)
- Improved the page UI to support mobile device
Yuanyi Yang (Team member)
- Write initial test for server V2
- In charge of the match page with Long Yang
- Mainly deal with the communication between game iFrame and container
- Receive move from the game iFrame and send updateUI to the game iFrame
- Handle the end of the game
- Handle the disconnection of opponent in sync mode (Not complete yet)
- Improve the game flow
- Mainly deal with the communication between game iFrame and container
- Support Yang Long with the pass and play & AI mode.
Long Yang (Team member)
- Write initial test for server V3
- In charge of the match page with Yuanyi Yang
- Mainly deal with the communication between server and container
- Receive game state from the server and send player's move to the server
- Retrieve the players info and game info from the server
- Display the match info, also player and opponents info
- Adde the feature related to facebook (Not complete yet)
- Mainly deal with the communication between server and container
- In charge of the pass and play & AI mode
- Can't play game...
- Can't play game...
- Playable
- Playable
- Bugs
- After one of the player wins, the other player will get two modals pop up... One is the game result info and another is the disconnection prompt of the winner...
- Changed to mobile UI
- Added pass and play mode
- Auto match in async mode
- Improved mobile UI
- Supported AI mode
- Fixed bugs
Since the API are not determined at that time, the tests can't pass...
- All server team members
- Ruixue Li (Server team, liaison between server team and container team)
- Pinji Zhao (AngularJS player page team, owner)
- Chong Lian (AngularJS developer page team, owner)