A simple messageboard project built in Flask with a Postgresql backend.
It's running in dev mode locally via docker compose
- Flask web framework
- SQLAlchemy and flask-sqlalchemy for ORM
- alembic for database migrations
- flask-login for user logins
- Docker and docker compose for application and postgresql db
Copy .env.example
to .env
and fill in required env vars.
To start both application and DB in terminal:
source .env
docker compose -f compose.yaml up
This will start up the postgresql DB first and after reaching a successful healthcheck, it will start the web application.
It creates a persistent docker volume for the database data.
The base database migration is ran automatically via entrypoint.sh
script which is set as the enrtypoint for the dev image.
If changes are made to the database models, you need to generate a new migration using:
docker exec messageboard-web-1 alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'REASON FOR NEW MIGRATION'
docker exec messageboard-web-1 alembic upgrade head
If changes are made to the web app, it will reload the application code.
To build production docker image, from the root folder, run:
docker build -t web:latest -f board/Dockerfile --target prod .
Handled by alembic
To generate baseline migrations for all the models' tables:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'Create baseline migrations
To run migration:
alembic upgrade head
Useful Alembic commands:
Display the current revision for a database:
alembic current
View migrations history:
alembic history --verbose
Revert all migrations:
alembic downgrade base
Revert migrations one by one:
alembic downgrade -1
Apply all migrations:
alembic upgrade head
Apply migrations one by one:
alembic upgrade +1
Display all raw SQL:
alembic upgrade head --sql
Reset the database:
alembic downgrade base && alembic upgrade head
More Alembic commands
- To install psycopg2 we need to install the following dep on ubuntu:
sudo apt install libpq-dev
pip install pyscopg2
To install without any system deps:
pip install pyscopg2-binary
- To connect to running postgresql container:
docker exec -it <container id> psql -U <username> <dbname>
- realpython post
- realpython post on flask
- Docker post on using postgres docker image
- Tutorial on using Flask and SQLAlchemy
- Validation with SQLAlchemy ORM models
- flask-sqlalchemy notes
- flask-login docs
- Using flask-login
- Using alembic with sqlalchemy
- sqlalchemy orm tutorial
- sqlalchemy custom datatypes
Fix / update validation for models
Deploy to AWS ECS in cluster with ALB + RDS
Try AWS Cognito for user authentication?