Edifact/ANSI X12: Nationalized healthcare cowboys and insane, ungovernered, HIPAA Healthcare BioSphereWaste by ANSI X12 and Maintained by UN/CEFACT
Fix yourself! Officious Clandestine Counterfix Stephan Bax, Duke "Kneedeep" of the LowLands Mystic Tribes
A temp Edifact fix towards Better, easier and more accesible syntax rules to structure data
Probems: Mess, Binaries, list, roadmaps, todo's. and proprietary formats misusing sane standards with wrong definitions and grouping. support for Postgres DBm Mulesoft, IBM Integration Bus (IIB).
Affected Formats: Data format in information technology may refer to a file format as a format for encoding data for storage in a computer file or to a datatype, constraint placed upon the interpretation of data in a type system.
Management summary: Nationalized healthcare cowboys and insane, ungovernered, BioSphereWaste, kleptocrats, bubblesettlers.
If it is required to develop new standards (for example formats, code lists, syntax bindings etc.), it wouldbe easier to build upon the existing work within TC440. This means that needs within Catalogues, Ordering, Fulfilment and Invoice can be developed faster
Patriot insanity: In 2008, Salon.com published details about a top-secret government database that might have been at the heart of the Bush administration’s domestic spying operations. DOJ: Google & Apple FTC: antitrust against Facabook and Amazon The database known as “Main Core" reportedly collected and stored vast amounts of personal and financial data about millions of Americans in event of an emergency like Martial Law. Washington State Senator Maria Cantwell asked CEO Mark Zuckerberg about Palantir, Harvard Alumi, Rockefeller University and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Stanford University, Church Committee, Berico Technologies, Peter Thiel, Program for Evolutionary Dynamics Charter Schools have the freedom to self-regulate Martin Nowak, Dersh, Acosta, Jared, @SecPompeo
evolutionary algorithm system. ties in Epstein and the Santa Fe Institute and the algorithms they are using to track, monitor and 'nudge' populations through the social media platforms.
Jeffrey Epstein was/is a former member of the Mind, Brain and Behavior Committee at Harvard, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York Academy of Science and a former Rockefeller University Board Member. Big J. is also an active member of the Edge Organization. https://www.jeffreyepstein.org/Jeffrey_Epstein.html
The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation was established in 2000 to support cutting edge science and science education around the world. "It is not clear what the objective of social regulation of the net ought to be unless it is the improvement of human intellectual life--the broadening to be sure, the maximizing of access. But quality is important too."
W3C #HTML5 & Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) : TCP/IP, ipv6, halfDNS, semiFOSS The IETF cooperates with the IETF W3C, ISO/IEC, ITU. SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication PCIe5.0: PCI-standards consortium PCI-SIG (Special Interest Group)
SD Association, a group that sets standardisation of SD and microSD cards, the Wi-Fi Alliance group and the JEDEC group. DDR5: JEDEC has over 300 members, including some of the world's largest computer companies SATA: Serial ATA International Organization UHS USB: DisplayPort 1.4a, HBR3, DSC 1.2a, HDMI 2.1, HDCP 2.2: USB type-C connector for power, audio and video over a single cable with thunderbolt will eliminate most of that mess, but what donated Intel, 4 gbits only?, and how bad are those vendor extentions really? Unicode 12.1 PostGIS, SQL/MM & ISO OGC ‘Simple feature access’ & extensions, subset of ISOtrade.
Pirate Addendum's usually are in the 1 series ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems ISO/IEC 27000-series security management ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 GDPR Directive UE 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation ISO / #TC307 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies TC440: See CEN/TC440 MTxxx/MXxxx ISO 9735-1, Release 2 1996-07-05: Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport MT101/ISO 20022: SWIFT/SEPA/iDeal & PSD: (Payment Services Directive) 2015/2366. PSD1 is from 2007 and PSD2 is from 2015 ISO 8583 PSDII: tbd Directive NIS NIST/BIPM ... ofc with all legacy financial stuff as well. #Rewind
Toolchain, build around Github and with many API's and default conversions. Wrapperworld: GeoJSON2XML, KML enriched RSS with .md text and other popular open content formats and licenses, and a lot of nice stuff. DNS and some more stuff: tbd
Upstream standards, protocols and further external dependencies: NACHA, FIX, FpML, BACS, Fedwire, EDIFACT (CONTR, BANSTA, PAYMUL, DIRDEB, ETC) ISO XML (PIJN, PACS, CAMT, ETC)
Sector Extentions: US-TCH-RTP BELI (België) CLIEOP (02,03, +, Nederland) DT (Duits) Etebac (Frankrijk) Norma (Spanje)
Branches: VERWINFO (w / wo SEPA, Nederland) NemHandel/PEPPOL and The European VANS providers via EESPA
Breakdown: industry participants & Internationalisation: GDSN14: Global Data Synchronisation Network is a network of interoperable data pools enabling collaborating users to securely synchronise master data based on GS1 standards. The Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) enables trading partnersto globally share trusted product data. Jersey City, London, Dubai, Mexico City, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
Signing & Validation Service provides & Vulture Tech: To be traded using web services, a file-based interface, or SDK (Java or .NET).
signature formats (CMS/PKCS#7, PDF, EDI, XML, time-stamp) as well as CAdES, XAdES and PAdES (AdES-BES and AdES-T)
Verification of signatures including output of validation in different formats: Where is the input validation? That's the web, Javascript. Note: Designed voor UserLocking, like Apple set the trend.
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication SWIFT has been in use for several decades and most importantly, is semi TRUSTED, due to facilitating leaks.
In 2015, SWIFT linked more than 11,000 financial institutions, incl. Commercial Bank of China, BBVA, Citi, ING Bank, Standard Chartered, ABN AMRO, DBS Bank, Industrial Intesa Sanpaolo, Nordea Bank en UniCredit, in more than 200 countries and territories, or landcorridors, who were exchanging an average of over 15 million messages per day. NoteSB: Transactions mixing it all up! Confusion infected mushroom defcon level!!!
SWIFT operates under Belgian law and was not exactly on the same page as the U.S. (they politely tried telling them to fuck off) but the USA being the USA, some type of agreement was eventually made, Terrorist Finance Tracking Program.
Swift is in defence mode against decentralization, resulting in Global Payments Innovation, GPI: GPI-programmadirecteur Wim Raymaekers https://www.swift.com/our-solutions/swift-gpi
Openbanking(REST, JSON/XBRL and SWIFT)/PSD2, Securered TLS transport, encrypted content and that's calledsmart government or GPI. Hash and signature algorithms (SHA-1 to SHA-512, RSA), Support for proxy servers. These people are loosing it.
Some new products, counter decentral: real-time, domestic payment systems https://ripple.com/insights/who-really-cares-about-real-time-payments/
ie. Volante: 250 prebuilt, customizable, bidirectional transformations to and from these standards. Dutch Examples: Acumulus, Moneybird, iMUIS online, e-Boekhouden, Reeleezee, Snelstart, EXACT, Easy Admin of Excel. Rabobank, NTT, Cisco, Check Point en Palo Alto
Glossary: UBL 2.1:UBL is an open library of standard electronic XML business documentsfor procurement and transportation such as purchase orders, invoices, transportlogistics and waybills. UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Product and Services Code) is an international classification system for goods and services and has been widely used by public authorities as well as many large private companies for many years.UNSPSC codes has been imbedded in the OUOUBL. OIOUBL is a Danish adaptation of the International Standard UBL 2.0 from the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) for Danish Business Requirements
Reference & Attribution removing the middleman, #counterAI #ReverseAI #FuzzyAI #Cookbook #AgileAnalytics #zerotrust #SnowBall https://www.esens.eu/ https://ec.europa.eu/tools/espd https://www.gs1.org/services/gdsn https://www.digst.dk/Servicemenu/English/Digitisation/NemHandel http://www.oioubl.info/classes/en/index.htm https://nordicsmartgovernment.org/sites/default/files/2019-09/dansense_-_b2b_nordic_data_exchange.pdf