This project is a simple POC (Proof Of Concept) of a ChatScript client written in Java.
ChatScript repository:
Note: The Chatscript repo also appears as a git submodule for this project.
The project is mavenized, so build it with mvn clean package
Run the jar with java -jar chatscript-client-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
usage: ChatScriptClient [-b <botname>] [-h] [-n <name>] [-p <port>] [-u <url>]
-b,--bot <botname> Botname. Default is 'harry'.
-h,--help Display help usage.
-n,--name <name> Username. Default is 'user'.
-p,--port <port> Chatscript server port. Default is '1024'.
-u,--url <url> ChatScript server url. Default is 'localhost'.
Note: A ChatScript server must be running in order to test the client.