Acess my personal notebook for this repository here.
Solutions by theme:
- π spoj/TESSER: finding the tesserect
- palindrome
- π spoj/AMR12D: the mirror of galadriel
- knuth-morris-pratt (KMP)
- π uri/1127: musical plagiarism
- two pointers
- π codeforces/279-B: books
- segment tree (ST)
- π codeforces/339-D: xenia and bit operations
- binary search
- π codeforces/1284-B: new year and ascent sequence
- π uri/2448: postman
- on answer
- π uva/12097: pie
- π uri/2973: maratona brasileira de popcorn
- π codeforces/460-C: present
- number theory
- π uri/1323: feynman
- π spoj/AE00: rectangles
- π codeforces/624-A: save luke
- prime numbers
- π spoj/PRIONPRI: prime or not prime!
- sieve of eratosthenes
- π codeforces/576-A: vasya and petya's game
- π spoj/AMR11E: distinct primes
- π codeforces/17-A: noldbach problem
- factorization
- π uri/2661: despojados
- greatest common divisor (GCD)
- π codeforces/854-A: fraction
- π uri/1028: collectable cards
- all divisors
- π uri/2291: divine numbers
- combinatorics
- combinations
- binomial coefficient
- π codeforces/844-B: rectangles
- π uri/2972: less coin tosses
- π uri/1694: lottery
- binomial coefficient
- combinations
- π uri/1076: design labirints
- shortest paths
- minimum spanning tree (MST)
- kruskal
- π uva/10034: freckles
- kruskal
- depth first search (DFS)
- π uri/2965: denouncing mafia
- π uri/1322: kids' wishes
- π codeforces/902-B: coloring a tree
- breadth first search (BFS)
- binary search tree (BST)
- minimum sum
- π uva/116: unidirectional TSP
- minimax
- π uva/12484: cards
- longest common subsequence (LCS)
- π uva/10405: longest common subsequence
- knapsack
- π uri/2498: help vΓ’nia
- π uri/1487: six flags
- π spoj/KNAPSACK: the knapsack problem
- edit distance
- π spoj/EDIST: edit distante
- digits
- π uri/1707: numbers game
- π codeforces/659-D: bicycle race
- π uva/10310: dog and gopher
- π codeforces/157-B: trace
- π uri/1026: to carry or not to carry
- π uri/2971: jar of water game
- π uri/3024: mountain ranges
- π uri/2968: hour for a run
- π uri/2963: buffoon
- π uri/2884: interrupter
- π uri/2879: unraveling monty hall
- π uri/2242: huaauhahhuahau
- π codeforces/151-A: soft drinking
- π uri/1368: colorful cubes
- π uri/2880: enigma
- π uri/2663: phase
- π uri/2345: assigning teams
- π uri/1766: the dark elf
- π uri/1715: handball
- π uri/1548: canteen queue
- π uri/1438: unloading boxes
- π uri/1342: dice
- π uri/1340: i can guess the data structure!
- π uri/1318: fake tickets
- π uri/1300: hours and minutes
- π uri/1285: different digits
- π uri/1271: where are my genes
- π uri/1253: caesar cipher
- π uri/1217: getline two-fruits
- π uri/1091: division of nlogonia
- π spoj/MBINGO: bingo!
- π codeforces/686-A: free ice cream
- π codeforces/1033-A: king escape
- implementation
- π codeforces/519-C: A and B and team training
- π codeforces/1254-A: feeding chicken
- π codeforces/811-B: vladik and complicated book
- π codeforces/492-B: vanya and lanterns
- π codeforces/373-A: collecting beats is fun
- π codeforces/266-A: stones on the table
- π codeforces/1284-A: new year and naming
- π codeforces/110-A: nearly lucky number
- greedy
- π codeforces/275-C: k-multiple free set
- π uri/1086: the club ballroom
- π spoj/STPAR: street parade
- π spoj/PL: palindrome lover
- π spoj/BUSYMAN: i am very busy
- maximum subsequence
- π codeforces/702-A: maximum increase
- π codeforces/313-B: ilya and queries
- coins change
- π codeforces/1255-A: changing volume
- π codeforces/996-A: hit the lottery
- division and conquest
- data structures
- backtracking
- all permutations
- all paths
- π spoj/SPIKES: spiky mazes