Releases: bmellink/IBusBM
Fix for STM32 architecture
The original STM32 code was created for an old version of the STM32 core lib (before v1.6). This generated compiler errors for newer versions. The library now supports the current v1.9 core library version. No changes for any of the other supported architectures (avr, esp32, mbed)
Added support for MBED
This release adds support for MBED and fixes a bug when using the maximum of 10 sensors.
Now supports AVR based Arduino boards (Arduino MEGA, UNO, Nano, Micro, etc.), ESP32 based boards (ESP32, NodeMCU, etc.), STM32 boards (STM32F103, etc.) and MBED (such as the Arduino NANO 33 BLE).
Support for 4 byte telemetry sensors
Now supports 4 byte sensor data. See #12 for more detail. You can add a second argument to the addSensor() function to specify the number of bytes (can be 2 or 4).
Added additional examples (servo and motor controller)
v1.1.2 Robotcar example added
STM32 support
v1.1.1 Upgrade version for STM32 support
Added support for ESP32
The library now supports AVR and ESP32 architectures. Also added an example for AVR32 and an example for sensors.
Updated readme
v1.0.1 Readme
Initial release
v1.0 Initial