1 - Run make build
2 - Run ./main
3 - "Hello Dummy" is displayed to "stdout"
Run make build
and then ./main
to see Rust
+ Golang
in action. You
should see Hello John Smith!
printed to stdout
|___include -----------C header files
|___lib -----------generated artifact file (.a for static, .so for dynamic)
|___rustcode-----------rust libraries
|___hello-------a rust crate
Then, you need to create a C header file for your library. Just copy the libc
types that you used.
All that is left to do is to add some cgo
-specific comments to your Golang
code. These comments tell cgo
where to find the library and its headers.
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L./lib -lhello
#include "./lib/hello.h"
import "C"
There should not be a newline between
andimport "C"
A simple make build
(use the Makefile in this repository) will
result in a binary that loads your dynamic library.
Rust's FFI capabilities
Creating a Rust dynamic library by Andrew Oppenlander.