A standalone CLI tool for managing agents, no (nodejs, Java, etc) runtime needed. The primary aim for now is to list, add and kill agents.
must be installed.
C:\dev\go\pasoe-cli\build>pasoe agent list
[crm] agent: UWGqyGbZSHG0n0KahvDpRA (pid: 12560)
[order] agent: KldZgISgT56OTeocwxQ6RQ (pid: 20112)
[order] agent: R-SAT9dwQeax3Qwn5Tm2Xg (pid: 24852)
(this pasoe instance has two ABL applications, crm & order)
pasoe agent add --app crm -n 2
pasoe agen kill --app order --all
For help on the commands:
pasoe --help
There some global option to this CLI tool:
A CLI tool for PAS instance (agent) management
pasoe [command]
Available Commands:
agent list/add/kill agents
agentsession A command handling agent sessions
application Command for action related to (OEABL) applications
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
version Displays the version number
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.pasoe-cli.yaml)
-h, --help help for pasoe
--host string hostname (default "localhost")
-p, --password string password (default "tomcat")
--port int port (default 8810)
--protocol string protocol, http or https (default "http")
-u, --user string username (default "tomcat")
Use "pasoe [command] --help" for more information about a command.
By: Bronco Oostermeyer, 2022, 2023 License: GPL3