what | where |
overview | http://beebotte.com/overview |
tutorials | http://beebotte.com/tutorials |
apidoc | http://beebotte.com/docs/restapi |
source | https://github.com/beebotte/bbt_dotnet |
Think you.ve found a bug? Want to see a new feature in beebotte? Please open an issue in github. Please provide as much information as possible about the issue type and how to reproduce it.
Nuget Install: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Beebotte.API.Server.Net
Install-package Beebotte.API.Server.Net
Repository Cloning:
git clone https://github.com/beebotte/bbt_dotnet.git
To use the library, you need to be a registered user. If this is not the case, create your account at http://beebotte.com and note your access credentials.
As a reminder, Beebotte resource description uses a two levels hierarchy:
- Channel: physical or virtual connected object (an application, an arduino, a coffee machine, etc) providing some resources
- Resource: most elementary part of Beebotte, this is the actual data source (e.g. temperature from a domotics sensor)
Use your account API and secret keys to initialize Beebotte connector:
string accesskey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
string secretkey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY";
string hostname = "api.beebotte.com";
Connector bbt = new Connector( accesskey, secretkey, hostname);
You can read data from one of your channel resources using:
var records = bbt.Read("channel1", "resource1", 5); // read last 5 records
You can read data from a public channel by specifying the channel owner:
var records = bbt.PublicRead("owner", "channel1", "resource1", 5); //read last 5
You can write data to a resource of one of your channels using:
bbt.Write("channel1", "resource1", "Hello World");
If you have multiple records to write (to one or multiple resources of the same channel), you can use the WriteBulk
var resources = new List<ResourceData>
new ResourceData("resource1", "Hello"),
new ResourceData("resource2", "World")
bbt.WriteBulk("channel1", resources);
You can publish data to a channel resource using:
bbt.Publish("any_channel", "any_resource", "Hello World")
Published data is transient. It will not be saved to any database; rather, it will be delivered to active subscribers in real time.
The Publish operations do not require that the channel and resource be actually created.
They will be considered as virtual: the channel and resource exist as long as you are publishing data to them.
By default, published data is public, to publish a private message, you need to add private-
prefix to the channel name like this:
bbt.Publish("private-any_channel", "any_resource", "Hello World")
If you have multiple records to publish (to one or multiple resources of the same channel), you can use the PublishBulk
var resources = new List<ResourceData>
new ResourceData("resource1", "Hello"),
new ResourceData("resource2", "World")
bbt.PublishBulk("channel1", resources);
The library provides a set of methods to manipulate resource objects as follows:
var resource = new Resource("channel1", "resource1", "string");
var resources = bbt.GetAllResources("channel1");
var resource = bbt.GetResource("channel1", "resource1");
bbt.DeleteResource("channel1", "resource1");
The library provides a set of methods to manipulate channel objects as follows:
Channel channel = new Channel();
channel.Name = "channel1";
channel.Label = "label1";
channel.Description = "description1";
channel.IsPublic = false;
var resources = new List<Resource>
new Resource("resource1","resource1", "resource 1", "string"),
new Resource("resource2","resource2", "resource 2", "string")
channel.Resources = resources;
var channels = bbt.GetAllChannels();
var channel = bbt.GetChannel("channel1");
After getting a channel, you can access the channel token as follows:
var token = channel.Token;
The library provides a set of methods to manipulate connections as follows:
var connections = bbt.GetAllConnections<Beebotte.API.Server.Net.UserInfo>();
var connections = bbt.GetUserConnections<Beebotte.API.Server.Net.UserInfo>("userId", "sessionId");
bbt.DeleteConnection<Beebotte.API.Server.Net.UserInfo>("userId", "sessionId");
The library provides a set of methods to manage IAM tokens as follows:
Connector bbt = new Connector(accesskey, secretkey, hostname);
IAMToken readChannelDataToken = new IAMToken();
var resources = new List<string>();
readChannelDataToken.Name = "Read_Car";
readChannelDataToken.Description = "Read car channel data";
var aclList = new List<ACL>();
aclList.Add(new DataACL() { Action = DataACLTypes.DataRead.GetDescription(), Resources = resources });
readChannelDataToken.ACLList = aclList;
var createdToken = bbt.CreateIAMToken(readChannelDataToken);
Connector bbt = new Connector(accesskey, secretkey, hostname);
IAMToken writeChannelToken = new IAMToken();
writeChannelToken.Name = "Write_Read_Channel";
writeChannelToken.Description = "Write and Read Channel";
var aclList = new List<ACL>();
aclList.Add(new AdminACL() { Action = AdminACLTypes.ChannelWrite.GetDescription() });
aclList.Add(new AdminACL() { Action = AdminACLTypes.ChannelRead.GetDescription() });
writeChannelToken.ACLList = aclList;
var createdToken = bbt.CreateIAMToken(writeChannelToken);
var resources = new List<string>();
var aclList = new List<ACL>();
aclList.Add(new DataACL() { Action = DataACLTypes.DataWrite.GetDescription(), Resources = resources });
var token = bbt.UpdateIAMToken("token_id", aclList);
var tokens = bbt.GetAllIAMTokens();
var token = bbt.GetIAMToken("token_id");
The library provides a set of methods to manage BeeRules as follows:
Assuming that we have a private channel called ArduinoUno with a resource called co, the below code creates a BeeRule that writes data to the co resource whenever the data published to this resource is less than 20
BeeRule rule = new BeeRule()
Name = "PersistCOData",
Description = "persist CO data if value < 20",
Trigger = new Trigger() { Channel = "private-ArduinoUno", Resource = "co", Event = TriggerTypes.publish.ToString() },
Condition = "trigger.data < 20",
Action = new WriteAction() { Channel= "ArduinoUno", Resource="co"}
var createdRule = bbt.CreateBeeRule(rule);
var rule = bbt.GetBeeRule("BeeRule_Id");
BeeRuleInvocation invocation = new BeeRuleInvocation();
invocation.Channel = "private-ArduinoUno";
invocation.Resource = "co";
invocation.Data = 5;
bbt.InvokeBeeRule("BeeRule_Id", invocation);
Copyright 2013 - 2017 Beebotte.