A next generation open source laboratory information management system for clinical/medical laboratories.
The Felicity LIMS project aims to create a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) that tracks the complete laboratory workflow providing all the functionalities of a Laboratory Information Management System.
Felicity strives to promote an accurate flow of sample and associated experimental data to and through a laboratory to produce information that is used to make conclusions and critical decisions.
Felicity LIMS will ensure that sufficient metadata is captured and clinical laboratory personnel can track the lifecycle of a biospecimen in the laboratory from receipt to dispacth.
Felicity FrontEnd is developed in VueJs, URQL, and Tailwind CSS.
Felicity is the quality of being good, pleasant, or desirable.
- Dashboard
- Patient - Listing, compact, detail, search, Audit Log
- Sample - Listing, Detail, Audit Log, Reports, search
- Worksheet - Templates, listing, auto create, multi create, manual create
- Inventory - Item manager, listing, detail, transactios, adjustments, orders, requests
- Shipment - Fhir ready (experimental), Listing, detail,
- Storage - store rooms, locations, containers, templates,
- Admin - admin functions
- Client - listing, detail, contacts
Install NodeJs Install Yarn Then follow instructions below
cd felicity/frontent/vite
yarn install
# for production mode
yarn build
yarn start
# for development mode
yarn dev
This method uses Docker and docker-compose which handles the details of installing dependencies for you. On your Linux command line, run:
git clone https://github.com/aurthurm/felicity.git
cd felicity
docker-compose up -d
- Felicity Docs - Built with Laboratory QMS in Mind but can be used anywhere for document management
- Felicity Stocker - Medical Laboratory Inventory Management system
- Felicity Request - Requests and Approvals (e-Requisitions)
- Felicity Grind - Team Works, Project Management Tool, Issue Tracker
- Felicity Field - Survey Data Collection Tool, Forms ,Analytics etc