course 3 of algoritms and data structure specialization
Week 1:
- graph basics
Week 1 tasks:
- path check between two vertices in undirected graph
- compute number of connected components of given unordered graph
Week 2:
- directed graphs
Week 2 tasks:
- check whether given directed graph has cycle
- compute a topological ordering of a given directed acyclic graph
- compute the number of strongly connected components of a given directed graph
Week 3:
- most direct route, shortest-path tree
Week 3 tasks:
- computing of shortest path between two nodes in undirected graph
- check undirected graph whether it is bipartite
Week 4:
- fastest routes with possible cycles
Week 4 tasks:
- dijkstra algorithm
- bellman-ford algorithm
Week 5:
- minimum spanning trees
Week 5 tasks:
- build roads between cities
- clustering