This is a composite chart deploying the following sub-charts:
- Zeppelin
- Spark this is again a composite charts deploying the following sub-charts:
- Spark History Server only if enabled (default historyServer.enabled=true)
- Spark Resource Staging Server only if enabled (default resourceStagingServer.enabled=false)
- Spark Shuffle Service only if enabled (default sparkShuffle.enabled=false)
This chart is deprecated and no longer supported.
To install the chart:
$ helm install banzaicloud-stable/zeppelin
Helm let's you override all parameters in values.yaml
of every chart and sub-chart, however in this chart you don't need anything special you can install this as it is, with default values. If you want to use Spark History Server, you need to enable it and set some cloud storage for event logs file, depending on your cloud provider. The below table lists the required parameters you need to set if you want to enable Spark History Server
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
zeppelin.username | no | Admin username, by default is admin |
zeppelin.password | no | Salted password of admin user, by default is zeppelin |
You can salt your own password using shiro cli tool java -jar ~/dev/tools/shiro-tools-hasher-1.3.2-cli.jar -p |
zeppelin.userCredentialSecretName | no | Credentials above are set in a K8s secret. Instead of specifying username & password directly you can provide the name of this K8s secret containing these fields | |
zeppelin.sparkEventLogStorage.logDirectory | yes | the URL to the directory containing application event logs to load | yourBucketName/eventLogFoloder |
zeppelin.sparkEventLogStorage.cloudProvider | yes | the cloud provider where the objectstore/bucket located | amazon azure oracle alibaba |
zeppelin.sparkEventLogStorage.secretName | no | the name of K8s secret containing credentials for selected cloud provider. If no secretName is passed then there will be a secret created with the same structure populated from values. Checkout the required secret properties for each provider in next section below. | see below |
historyServer.enabled | false by default | Enable deploying Spark History Server | true / false |
spark.spark-hs.sparkEventLogStorage.logDirectory | yes | the URL to the directory containing application event logs to load | yourBucketName/eventLogFoloder |
spark.spark-hs.sparkEventLogStorage.cloudProvider | yes | the cloud provider where the objectstore/bucket located | amazon azure oracle alibaba |
spark.spark-hs.sparkEventLogStorage.secretName | no | the name of K8s secret containing credentials for selected cloud provider. If no secretName is passed then there will be a secret created with the same structure populated from values. Checkout the required secret properties for each provider in next section below. | see below |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.awsAccessKeyId | b64enc | quote }}
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.awsSecretAccessKey | b64enc | quote }}
storageAccount: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.azureStorageAccountName | b64enc | quote }}
accessKey: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.azureStorageAccessKey | b64enc | quote }}
ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.aliAccessKeyId | b64enc | quote }}
ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.aliSecretAccessKey | b64enc | quote }}
google.json: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.googleJson | quote }}
api_key: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.apiKey | b64enc | quote }}
tenancy_ocid: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.oracleTenancyId | b64enc | quote }}
user_ocid: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.oracleUserId | b64enc | quote }}
api_key_fingerprint: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.oracleApiKeyFingerprint | b64enc | quote }}
NOTE: values must be prefixed with subchart name, see the example below how to specify AWS credential properties for zepplin and spark-hs chart sparkEventLogStorage: