This chart will install a mutating admission webhook, that annotates pods in a deployment with a specific annotation that works with BanzaiCloud's spot-scheduler.
Pods are annotated based on a specific configmap that's updated by Pipeline.
The webhook also sets "spot-scheduler" as schedulerName
for these pods.
$ helm repo add banzaicloud-stable
$ helm repo update
$ helm install --name <name> banzaicloud-stable/spot-config-webhook
The following tables lists configurable parameters of the spot-config-webhook chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount | number of replicas | 1 |
logVerbosity | log verbosity level | 8 | | group of registered api service | |
apiService.version | version of registered api service | v1beta1 |
apiService.resource | api service endpoint where hook is available | spotscheduling |
image.repository | image repo that contains the admission server | banzaicloud/spot-config-webhook |
image.tag | image tag | 0.1.0 |
image.pullPolicy | image pull policy | IfNotPresent | | spot config webhook service name | spotwebhook |
service.type | spot config webhook service type | ClusterIP |
service.externalPort | spot config webhook service external port | 443 |
service.internalPort | spot config webhook service external port | 443 |
webhook.spotAnnotationKey | annotation key of on-demand percentage | |
webhook.configMapNamespace | namespace of configMap that holds spot info | pipeline-system |
webhook.configMapName | name of configMap that holds spot info | spot-deploy-config |
webhook.schedulerName | name of spot-affinity scheduler | spot-scheduler |
resources | resources to request | {} |
nodeSelector | node selector to use | {} |
tolerations | tolerations to add | [] |
affinity | affinities to use | {} |