SHS Spark History Server is the web UI for completed and running (aka incomplete) Spark applications. It is an extension of Spark’s web UI.
This chart is deprecated and no longer supported.
To install the chart:
$ helm install --set app.logDirectory=yourBucketName/eventLogFoloder,app.cloudProvider=amazon banzaicloud-stable/spark-hs
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the Spark History Sever chart and their default values.
Parameter | Required | Description | Example |
sparkEventLogStorage.logDirectory | yes | the URL to the directory containing application event logs to load | yourBucketName/eventLogFoloder |
sparkEventLogStorage.cloudProvider | yes | the cloud provider where the objectstore/bucket located | amazon azure oracle alibaba |
sparkEventLogStorage.secretName | no | the name of K8s secret containing credentials for selected cloud provider. If no secretName is passed then there will be a secret created with the same structure populated from values. Checkout the required secret properties for each provider in next section below. | see below |
sparkEventLogStorage.endpoint | no | the URL to the s3 endpoint you would like to read from (only valid for amazon cloudProvider) | |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.awsAccessKeyId | b64enc | quote }}
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.awsSecretAccessKey | b64enc | quote }}
storageAccount: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.azureStorageAccountName | b64enc | quote }}
accessKey: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.azureStorageAccessKey | b64enc | quote }}
ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.aliAccessKeyId | b64enc | quote }}
ALIBABA_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.aliSecretAccessKey | b64enc | quote }}
google.json: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.googleJson | quote }}
api_key: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.apiKey | b64enc | quote }}
tenancy_ocid: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.oracleTenancyId | b64enc | quote }}
user_ocid: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.oracleUserId | b64enc | quote }}
api_key_fingerprint: {{ .Values.sparkEventLogStorage.oracleApiKeyFingerprint | b64enc | quote }}