This README will evolve as the development of testing occurs.
Github-Actions job runner is a 2core 7Gig VM so that limits what/how we test
- Need to eventually get our own beefy runner, with enough cpu/memory to handle stress level load
- We are grateful to have got a free account on, as part of their OSS Program. But it is limited to 600 tests per year.
- Testplan discussion and coding is needed for more practical real-world testing reports
- An issue was created for performance tests, for the ingress-nginx-controller builds, kubernetes#8033 .
A step by step guide to using with GithubActions is here
The CI launches a ubuntu environment and uses
make dev-env
to create a kind cluster. The popular api docker image is used to create a workload -
We don't want the test to block CI so this syntax from Github-Actions creates a button to run the test
The button looks like this (the
Run Workflow
dropdown at bottom right of screenshot)
Obtained a freenom domain
Procured a letsencrypt wildcard certificate for
Plan is to run tests locally on a kind cluster, in the CI pipeline, but push results to K6-cloud
Pushing and visualization on K6 cloud is as simple as executing
k6 run -o cloud test.js
Currently there is a personal account in trial period (50 tests or 1 year limit) bing used
Pushing test-results from K6 tests on laptop, to K6-cloud personal trial account on K6-Cloud, to see what the graphs look like
Before merging the PR, the testing is being done on personal Github project with exact same code as this PR here