Provides handling for base64 encoded files
Add in
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ] }
$ composer require bagrinsergiu/base64-encoded-file dev-master
use Hshn\Base64EncodedFile\HttpFoundation\File\Base64EncodedFile;
$file = new Base64EncodedFile(base64_encode($data));
$file->getPathname(); // "/path/to/file"
$file instanceof Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File; // true
use Hshn\Base64EncodedFile\Form\Type\Base64EncodedFileType;
$form = $formBuilder
// symfony 2.7
->add('file', new Base64EncodedFileType())
// symfony 2.8~
->add('file', Base64EncodedFileType::class)
Use this bundle in a Symfony project requires the following libraries:
- symfony/dependency-injection
- symfony/http-kernel
- symfony/config
Then, you can load the bundle through the following configuration:
// bundles.php
Hshn\Base64EncodedFile\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Base64EncodedFileBundle::class => ['all' => true],