NOTE: This project is now archived. Since the original developer of BuildGDX has come back and started to release versions again, there is no need anymore for this project.
NuBuildGDX is a fork of BuildGDX aiming for stability, bug fixing and performance improvements.
My goal is to get it in good shape for long term availability and support. I will also be personally maintaining some dependencies for this as some parts are very deeply intertwined with API versions and I don't trust upstream projects to not keep changing API's every release they do.
For renderer's, an improved classic renderer is the only option.
1.19.0 supports:
Windows (arm64 and x86_64)
GNU/Linux (arm64, x86_64) - arm64 has a seperate package due to classpath issues I ran into when testing it on an rpi3.
macOS (I do own one and it is my main machine) - the issue here is that libgdx 1.12.x has broken the SharedLibraryLoader. It is missing in that release but the class definition is still inside the gdx-lwjgl3 backend and that causes a ClassNoDef error when using that version. 1.9.14 has no arm64 macOS native libraries so won't run on an M1. I'm waiting on libGDX to release a new version and then, I hope to bring back full macOS support.
Reduce the bloat, increase the stability.. basically.
The icon is taken from: