List of awesome HOTWIRE applications either in Action or Open Source. The main goal of this repository is to find Website that used Hotwire in action, free open source Hotwire apps and learn + start contributing 🚀 . Feel free to Contribute to the list, any suggestions are welcome!
note: Hotwire is still new, so there must be some categories that have zero stuff in it. If you know anything, either website or open source project that use Hotwire stack, please contribute to this awesome list 🙏
I would say , this is also a ReactiveRails list.
Reactive Rails empowers small teams of full-stack Rails developers to produce rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML and minimal JavaScript. It honors the motivating spirit of the Ruby on Rails framework, which is to allow small teams to do big things
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Website 🌐
Open-Source ✅
- alonetone - A free, open source, non-commercial home for musicians and their music
- annict - The platform for anime addicts built with Rails and Stimulus.js.
- black_candy - A self hosted music streaming server
- boxdrop - Dropbox Clone built with StimulusReflex
- covidliste - Covidliste makes it easy to manage waiting lists for vaccination centers.
- crudlfap
- - The official source code repository for
- denali - A simple, fast photoblogging CMS built in Ruby on Rails which features responsive, high-resolution images, a customizable posting schedule, social media management and syndication, a GraphQL API, and more.
- game-of-life - Conway's Game of Life, with Ruby on Rails, Stimulus.js and Turbolinks
- hackershare - a powerful social bookmarking service and a knowledge-sharing community, with advanced search and tag management feature
- hhnpwa - HOTWire Hacker News Progressive Web App
- hnpwa-app - An implementation of the Hacker News PWA with Rails + Stimulus
- kanbri-hotwire - Password-less Ruby on Rails app for project management using kanban boards.
- - A social network of lifelong learners built around humanity's universal learning map.
- modern-datatables - They are many ways to build reactive web interfaces but do we really need to add the complexity of JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js or React?
- nindika - Checkout Nintendo Switch eShop games
- radiofeed - Simple podcast MVP
- rails_new_io - is an app to create and verify new rails applications using an intuitive UI.
- rslack - Slack like chat app( using hotwire!)
- skyderby - The most advanced flight analysis and competition scoring
- snippet_app - A social code snippet sharing app that allows you to create, file and share code snippets with anyone. Built with Ruby on Rails and Stimulus JS.
- sponsor_me _ An app to sponsor people's ideas using Stripe, Sidekiq, Rails and Stimulus.
- stimulus-reflex-expo - StimulusReflex demos
- taskwire - Task manager with Rails/Hotwire
- - Betting app revisited for EURO 2020
- trello-stimulus-reflex - A trello clone using Stimulus Reflex
- hotwire-chat - Hotwire Chat is a demo Ruby on Rails web application built with Hotwire.
- Cart Example - Stimulus - Cart Example - Stimulus
- stimulus-mapbox-gl - stimulus controllers for mapbox-gl
- stimulus-sticky-table-header - a simple StimulusJS controller that keeps the header of a table at the top of window as you scroll through the page.
- stimulus-demo - Multi Page Application (MPA) with pre-rendered HTML using Stimulus.js UMD
- hotwire-chat - Hotwire Chat is a demo Ruby on Rails web application built with Hotwire.
- hotwire-rails-dome-chat - Repository from the Hotwire demo
- todomvc_rails_on_stimulus - A modest TodoMvc built with Rails, Turbolinks and Stimulus JS
- ActiveStorage
- drag_and_drop_active_storage - A demo drag and drop image upldate Ruby on Rails app using Stimulus.js, DropZone.js, and ActiveStorage
- ActionText
- test-hotwire-actiontext-rails - a simple twitter timeline implemented with hotwire and actiontext
- Devise
- hotwire-devise - How to make Devise work with Hotwire & Turbo.js
- Docker
- docker-rails - Dockerize Rails 6 with ActionCable, Webpacker, Stimulus, Elasticsearch, Sidekiq
- docker-rails-example - A production ready example Rails app that's using Docker and Docker Compose.
- form
- abyme - abyme is a modern take on handling dynamic nested forms in Rails 6+ using StimulusJS.
- Sidekiq
- sidekiq-actioncable-stimulus-demo - demo rails app using sidekiq/actioncable/stimulus and testing it all
- ActiveStorage
- better-stimulus - An opinionated collection of StimulusJS best practices
- javascript30-stimulus - Wes Bos 🔥 Javascript30 converted to Stimulus JS 🚀🚀🚀
- stimulus-rxjs-example - Example repository showing Stimulus along with RxJS
- stimulus-validation - stimulus-validation helps validate user input and helps you display errors.
- stimulus-turbolinks - Stimulus + Vue.js + Turbolinks test Rails app
- stimulus-turbolinks-demo - A Stimulus + Turbolinks Demo of an app called Proposahoy!
- stimulus-turbolinks-vuejs - Stimulus + Vue.js + Turbolinks test Rails app
- sr_mini - A minimal Rails app that showcases how to use StimulusReflex
- stimulus-reflex-expo - StimulusReflex demos
- stimulus-reflex-sandbox - Sandbox apps are based on sr mini, the single-file StimulusReflex-powered Rails app template
- stimulus_reflex_activity - Simple activity indicator for StimulusReflex
- stimulus_reflex_todomvc - An implementation of TodoMVC using Ruby on Rails, StimulusJS, and StimulusReflex
- beast_mode - 100% server-side rendered faceted search UI demo.
- - An assorted collection of patterns, directly extracted from the stimulusreflexpattern course.
- stimulus_reflex_sandbox - the single-file StimulusReflex-powered Rails app template.
- stimulus_reflex_harness - Verify a bare-bones SR application. Branch it to build MVCEs.
- rubocop-stimulus_reflex - Code style checking for StimulusReflex
- Demo
- view-component-demo - Rails application with ViewComponent
- view_component_reflex_expo - view_component_reflex_expo
- rails_bootstrap - Rails implementation of React Bootstrap, using GitHub's view components and stimulus js.
- hotwire_components - Rails Hotwire w/ View Components
- view-components-in-the-wild - View components in the wild
- rails_view_components_stimulus
- tailwind_view_component_example
- rails-flash-messages - Implement View Component, Tailwind, StimulusJs
- rails-ViewComponent-Stimulus-Materialize - rails-ViewComponent-Stimulus-Materialize
- polaris-view-components
- primer view_components - ViewComponents for the Primer Design System
- elemental_components - Simple view components for Rails 5.1+
- bridgetown-view-component - Add support for GitHub's ViewComponent library to your Bridgetown sites.
- rails-css-component-techniques - Examples of ways to encapsulate Rails View Component CSS
- Storybook
- view_component_storybook - ViewComponent previews and testing in Storybook
- view_component_storybook_example - Example app demonstrating ViewComponent::Storybook to preview ViewComponents in Storybook
- rails-view-components-storybook - Companion repository for the “Building a Component Library in Rails with Storybook”
- storybook-demo - A demo application showing how to use storybook with ruby on rails applications using view components
- bootstrap-viewcomponent - View Components for Bootstrap
- tailwind_view_component - ViewComponents for TailwindCSS
- fullstack - Fullstack rails based on view components
- Additional
- ilex - Render view components without a sidecar template
- view_component-form - Rails FormBuilder for ViewComponent
- inline_view_component - Include template strings in Rails ViewComponent class definitions
- view_component_properties - Manage properties on ViewComponents
- view_component_kit
- iew_component-no_component - Remove the Component suffix from ViewComponent generators.
- lightning-ui - Rails view components for Salesforce Lightning Design System
- turbo-showcase - A showcase of turbo features
- turbo_flash - Automagically include your flash messages in your Ruby on Rails Hotwire TurboStream responses.
- sjabloon-lite - The lite version of the SaaS Rails 6 starter kit Sjabloon, includes setup for Webpacker, Tailwind (inc. PurgeCss) and Stimulus
- limestone - Boilerplate Rails 6 SaaS application with Webpack, Stimulus and Docker integration.
- limestone-accounts - Boilerplate Rails 5.2 multitenant SaaS application with webpack and Docker integration. Billing is scoped to accounts.
- rails-hotwire-base - Rails + Hotwire base app
- rails-template - Template for Rails 6.0 + Kubernetes + Webpacker + Stimulus + TailwindCSS + Let's Encrypt + @
- uickstart-rails-tailwind - This is a base project to quickly spin up a Rails+Stimulus+Tailwindcss application.
- hotwire-aspnet-demo-chat - Hotwire Asp.Net Core Chat Demo
- Django
- hotwire-django - Meta package to combine turbo-django and stimulus-django
- hotwire-django-demo-chat - Chat app demo of the Turbo web framework, rendered with Django.
- hotwire-django-realworld - RealWorld Django app built with Turbo!
- django-turbo-response - Hotwired/Turbo Django response helpers
- turbo-django - An early stage integration of Hotwire Turbo with Django
- Elixir
- phoenix-hotwire-demo-chat - This is a Phoenix port of hotwired/hotwire-rails-demo-chat.
- Express.js
- express-hotwire - Express tooling for working with Hotwire (HTML over the wire)
- hotwire-turbo-express - ExpressJS middleware for sending turbo-stream HTML fragments to a hotwire Turbo client
- flask
- hotwire-flask-demo - Demo basic Flask using Hotwired and Bootstrap 5.
- turbo-flask - Integration of Hotwire's Turbo library with Flask.
- Go
- chat-hotwire-go - This is a simple chat app which shows how to use Go with Hotwire.
- gotwire - Go server using HotWire
- hotwire-go-example - The hotwire demo chat written in Golang
- hotwire-golang-website - This project provides some working examples using Go and Hotwire Turbo.
- turbo-go - Build hotwire apps using go
- Laravel
- turbo-laravel - This package gives you a set of conventions to make the most out of Hotwire in Laravel (inspired by the turbo-rails gem).
- CakePhp
- cakephp-stimulus-example1 - CakePHP integrated with stimulus.js via webpack
- Kotlin
- hotwire-kotlin/java - A Kotlin/Java SpringBoot sample of hotwire tooling
- SpringBoot
- hotwire-demo-chat-in-springboot - Convert the demo video in Hotwire launch from Ruby to SpringBoot
- Vite
- vite-plugin-stimulus-hmr - ⚡️ HMR for Stimulus controllers in Vite.js
Resources 🔥
- stimulustoolbox
- awesome-stimulusjs
- stimulus-use
- stimulus-components
- Stimulus Controller
- betterstimulus
- StimulusShortcut
- TailwindCSS StimulusComponents
- stimulus-library
- Tutorial
- guide to reactive rails
- StimulusReflex
- expo
- cheatsheet
- StimulusReflexGlobalId
- stimulus_reflex_testing
- stimulus_reflex_sandbox - the single-file StimulusReflex-powered Rails app template.
- CableReady
- AnyCable
- anycable-rails - AnyCable Rails integration
- anycable_rails_demo - AnyCable Rails demo application and its different variations
- ViewComponentReflex
- ViewComponentReflex showcase
- view_component-contrib - A collection of extension and developer tools for ViewComponent
- StimulusReflex
- Hotwire
- Introducing Hotwire
- What is "html-over-the-wire"? -
- Hotwire: Reactive Rails with no JavaScript?
- Hotwire, ViewComponents and TailwindCSS: The Ultimate Rails Stack
- HTML over-the-wire is a promising future of Web Development
- Taking Rails to the next level with Hotwire
- Making Hotwire and Devise play nicely
- ReactiveRails
- ViewComponent
- beflagrant
- cloud66 Blog
- noelrappin
- mikerogers0
- evilmartians
- Matouš Borák
- ombulabs
- onrails
- tad.thorle
Useful Libraries/Framework 🌈
- alpine.js - A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
- reef - A lightweight library for creating reactive, state-based components and UI.
- trimmings - 🌲 Get back to HTML.
- intercooler.js - Making AJAX as easy as anchor tags
- hyper.html - A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
- svelte
- lit-html
- mithril.js
- htmx - high power tools for HTML
- motion - Reactive frontend UI components for Rails in pure Ruby
- - Your Rails views reimagined
- - a Ruby DSL, compiled by Opal, bundled by Webpack, powered by React.
- snabberb - A simple component view framework for Ruby Opal based on Snabbdom
- prism - Build frontend web apps with Ruby and WebAssembly
- django
- django-sockpuppet - Build reactive applications with the django tooling you already know and love.
- Laravel
- livewire - A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
- Phoenix
- phoenix_live_view - Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
- Blazor - framework for building modern, interactive web-based UIs with C# and Razor.
- - A forward-thinking library of web components.
- optimism - drop-in remote form validation.
- Stimulus Form Utilities
- futurism - Lazy-load Rails partials via CableReady
- turbo-ios - iOS framework for making Turbo native apps