This is a simple five-block example program that reads bytes from standard input (stdin), decodes them into strings of newline-terminated lines, keeps a line count of the number of lines read, and after reading all input lines writes out that line count on standard output (stdout).
Note that unlike the trivial echo_lines
example program,
this program is not contingent on the terminal itself being line buffered.
columns 13
ReadStdin space:2 Decode space:2 Count space:2 Encode space:2 WriteStdout
ReadStdin-- "output → input" -->Decode
Decode-- "output → input" -->Count
Count-- "count → input" -->Encode
Encode-- "output → input" -->WriteStdout
classDef block height:48px,padding:8px;
classDef hidden visibility:none;
class ReadStdin block
class Decode block
class Count block
class Encode block
class WriteStdout block