Creating new giter8 template isn't hard, see here, but sometimes it can be cumbersome and error-prone. You may also want to automate template creation after changes made to the project without manually replacing package paths, file names and text chunks with the placeholders. Use this tool from the command line or plug it into your SBT build.
The giter8 template is an ordinary project folder where files or paths may contain variable placeholders, e.g. $name$
Place it on GitHub and use with the g8
command line tool or sbt new
command to spring your own project.
- creates template wrapped nicely in an SBT project
- supports parametrization by multiple replacement keys
- derives automatically common key variants: camel, snake, hyphen, package, packaged, etc.
- adds a script to generate an example project and test it
- adds a script to update the template after changes made to the example project (covers full create-change-validate-update cycle)
- generates README with the template usage guide and an example project files tree picture
- Java >= 8
- SBT >= 1.3.x
- giter8 (g8) >= 0.11.0
chmod u+x
./ --source {PATH} [--target {PATH}] [--name {STRING}] [--package {STRING}] [--description {STRINGURLENCODED}] [-K key=patternUrlEncoded]
-s, --source <arg> Source code path
-p, --package <arg> Source code base package name
-t, --target <arg> Template target path
-n, --name <arg> Template name
-K placeholder=text [placeholder=text]... Text chunks to parametrize
-c, --clear Clear target folder
--noclear Do not clear whole target folder,
only src/main/g8 subfolder
-d, --description <arg> Single-line template description, use + as a space
-x, --custom-readme-header-path <path> Custom header path
-r, --readme Create readme
--noreadme Do not create/update readme
-h, --help Show help message
-v, --version Show version of this program
make-it-g8 is hosted in The Maven Central repository
libraryDependencies += "com.github.arturopala" % "make-it-g8" % "1.4.0"