- 8 GB RAM
- 6 VCPUs
flowchart TB
subgraph Server Node
Spire-agent2--"deliver identity to application"-->Stellaris-server
Spire-Server--"send client identity to the agent"-->Spire-agent1
subgraph Spire Node
Spire-Server--"send server identity to the agent"-->Spire-agent2
Client--"request data"-->Stellaris-server
subgraph Client Node
Spire-agent1--"deliver identity to application"-->Client
# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/arielroque/stellaris.git
# Go to stellaris
cd stellaris
Now, we will deploy the Stellaris demo in a Minikube cluster
# Create minikube cluster
./demo.sh --create-minikube-cluster
# Deploy Stellaris demo
./demo.sh --deploy
# See another Commands:
# ./demo.sh --help
Since we have the applications running, we can open the browser to see the workflow.
# Open port to access the client
kubectl port-forward client-api-0 -n client 8080:8080
Open in your browser: localhost:8080/dashboard
The idea here is to try to communicate with the server that has secret information using another client that does not have an identity
# Open port to access the server
kubectl port-forward stellaris-api-0 -n server 8090:8090
Since the connection between the client and server is TLS, let's try to communicate by skipping the identity
# Make a request http using curl client
curl https://localhost:8090 -k
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
The connection requires mutual TLS which means a valid client identity to establish communication. We can see that looking in server logs
2023/09/06 00:33:35 Service waiting for an X.509 SVID...
2023/09/06 00:33:36 Service waiting for a trust bundle...
2023/09/06 00:33:36 Stellaris service listening on port 8090...
2023/09/06 02:49:53 http: TLS handshake error from tls: client didn't provide a certificate
We deployed the applications, and the identities are continuously created by the SPIRE Server every 60s. Is possible after the application is already running, kill the SPIRE agents and keep everything working? Let`s try it
# Delete SPIRE Agents
./demo.sh --delete-spire-agents
# List pods in SPIRE namespace
# kubectl get pods -n spire
Let`s wait 60s to check if something changes...
[show image]
As we can see, the application is not working well... we lost the connection with the server. We can check the logs in the Client and Server to try understand the problem
# Get logs from client API
kubectl logs client-api-0 -n client
2023/10/07 01:04:21 Error getting data: Get "https://stellaris-api.server:8090/dashboard": x509svid: could not verify leaf certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-10-07T01:04:21Z is after 2023-10-07T00:56:17Z
2023/10/07 01:04:23 Error getting data: Get "https://stellaris-api.server:8090/dashboard": x509svid: could not verify leaf certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-10-07T01:04:23Z is after 2023-10-07T00:56:17Z
# Get logs from stellaris API
kubectl logs stellaris-api-0 -n server
2023/10/07 01:03:01 Error getting data: Get "https://stellaris-api.server:8090/dashboard": x509svid: could not verify leaf certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-10-07T01:03:01Z is after 2023-10-07T00:56:17Z
2023/10/07 01:03:03 Error getting data: Get "https://stellaris-api.server:8090/dashboard": x509svid: could not verify leaf certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2023-10-07T01:03:03Z is after 2023-10-07T00:56:17Z
The certificates as expected are not valid anymore and the connection is not allowed. Let's deploy the SPIRE agents again to solve this problem.
./demo.sh --deploy-spire-agents
We need to wait 1-2 minutes and we are back on track. [show image]
To uninstall the demo and the cluster you can use the following commands
# Cleanup demo
./demo.sh --cleanup-demo
# Delete cluster
./demo.sh --delete-minikube-cluster