AWS Big Data Boot Camp aims for learning various data oriented AWS services. The system built throughout the boot camp is "target advertisement" which requires analyzing historical data as well as processing real time streaming data.
awsbigdata repository contains all materials and source code including :
- Hive queries for Amazon EMR
- DDL and SQL Statements for Amazon Redshift
- Data generator for Amazon Kinesis
- Event handler for Amazon Kinesis
Click this link to initiate CloudFormation.
Access logs are already generated and stored on Amazon S3.
- Data generator will generate current coordinates of users and continue generating as time goes by.
- The target area is mostly within Tokyo 23 wards. - South West coords : 35.53,139.56, North East coords : 35.81,139.91
- The message format of corrdiates is as follows.
- Records are stored in Amazon Redshift.
CREATE table logs (
user1 VARCHAR(10),
path VARCHAR(2048),
time VARCHAR(24),
geoip VARCHAR(2)