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MLE: Machine Learning Engineer (nd009-ent)

Recommended time: 3 months, Level: Intermediate, Perequisite: Intermediate Python & Machine Learning Algorithms

Learn advanced machine learning techniques and algorithms -- including how to package and deploy your models to a production environment.


At the end of the course Udacity recommends:

  • Write a blog post about the course experience or project.
  • Apply to at least two jobs with "machine learning" in the description.

Tips for the Machine Learning Nanodegree taken from

Data Analysis

"If you feel like you are being thrown in the deep end with data wrangling and exploratory analysis, we recommend you seriously consider taking a step back and pursuing the Data Analyst Nanodegree (DAND). If you aren’t drowning, but struggling, then consider the following individual courses:"


"Because the video material for this Nanodegree (ND) is taken from multiple existing Udacity courses, it can seem jarring at times, or missing material. One great option is to just simply watch the entire video series, in their original format, as Udacity Classes."

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